something has been weighing on me
since yesterday and i woke up feeling
not as great today and i know this is the
reason because i’ve been running
it over in my head and it’s
making my spirit
and i don’t have
to or want to do things
that make my spirit
tired so i come here to recharge
because i know the vortex is here for
me and god is here for me and i know that
everything is always unfolding
perfectly and that the cotrast
contrast always helps me know
what i want
i’m getting more and
more opportunities to say no
which is funny because i was
blowing that up
feeling good about
being at a place where i can say no
but now i realize im attracting more
of that
which is fine but
i’d rather say yes
i’d rather
attract jobs to say yes to and
i know that the energy is what creates
and the focus is what
creates so if i just do
the work and
notice the energy
and then transmute it
that is what i see what i look for
i see so i know that i can just line up
with the energy
and i was feeling so
abundant ad the
and then i started feeling lack
because i did say no and then i
felt bad for it
which i shouldnt’
and this work always hepls
helps it always helps to work
through it and inow
i now i
i know i can always work through it
work through the
energy i know that i can
always feel the energy
look at the energy
look at myself
my world and ask
what would you prefer then?
and i know i have
the power to do that
i love doing good work
work i believe in i love
working directly with the client
and not design through
by committee and i know
that i’m worth it
i value myself and my work
and i know that i
and then i feel basd
bad like i should just do it
just swallow my pride
and my standards
and fuck how i feel about the work
and that
is my superior’s opinion
superior wth
really my colleague
and i want to be treated more like
an equal and for my opinion to matter
not to just be told
what to do like i’m some kind of animal
and you know better than me?!?!?
and i’m supposed to just do what you
what am i
a slave?!
im’ no
not doing that ay more
any more
i respect myself too much for that
and i know that
doing that is out of dfe
and i’m not a single
i don’t have to
not report
sexual harassment
no i wasn’t harassed
it’s just an example
but i believe in myself
an my
and my work and i know that
i don’t have to do bd work
bad work and if i want
good work it slawya
always comes
and i know
i know that only I can
decide how i feel about this
and if eel bad
and it sucks
it sucks feeling
i get to choose how i feel i get to choose
how if eel i get to chhos
choose how i feela nd i
and iknow i i know i am
the one and only creator of my
reality and i kno
i know t
i love that i can always choose
how i feel i love that i can
always get in the vortex and then
i love that i know life
can only refelct
reflect me i love that i know this
i love the better it gets i love doing
the work adn
making the choice to feel
better i love that i know i
can alwys g
always choose ohw i fee
how i feel i love that i am
in tune with the ne
energy that i can feel
whent he e
when the energy feels stagnatn
i can feel th
when the energy feels stagnant and i know
it’s always up to me
to float downstream
to allow the energy to flow through
me and to focus on the version i prefer
i love that i slept on ti
and i woke up feelnig
kind of shitty
i could feel that i felt
lethargic this mornting
morning and it’s because it
was weighing on me
weighing on me that
i feelt hat my
time isn’t being respected
and appreciated
weighing on me that
my vision is understood
or appreciated
weighing on me that i felt
like i was being forced to do something
i don’t
believe in
but i know i can let all that
go and all of that is just perceptions
and i9 ca
can choose to feel light
by trans mut
transmuting the
energy and feeling good about it
and i now
i know that’s
actually all ican do
i can do is choose the
vesion i pref
choose the version i prefer
and then let it come to me and i love
that it
reveals thy
i love that it alwys doe
always does i get to choose
i get to choose
and i love
get to choose
to have my time and work
and respected
it feels good to know
it’s only ever me it’s only
ever me and i get to choose
what to
do with
my energy
with my life with the way
i see my life and
i know that nothing
is ever acting on me
it’s acting through me
and if i don’t like
don’t like it
that means that i have the
to like it
as much as i don’t like it
and as soon as i
like it as much as i
don’t like it
then poof
i don’t have a problem anymore.