i dont have to give my power way


i dont need anything outside of me
i dont need anything

because the feeling i seek is right here
i know the feeling i seek is right here

and it doesnt come from any person
place or condition

no person place or condition is my usp

no person place or condition is my supply

my awareness
understanding and knowledge of the
all providing acctivity
fo the

no person place or condition is my supply

my awareness understanding
and knowledge of the all providing activity of the divine

mind withi me is my supply

my awareness
udnerstanding and knowledge
of the all providing activity
fo the divine mind within me is mk kksupply

my consciousness of this truth is unlimited
therefore my supply is unlimited

i know i kow that i’m lookking outsid eo of me
and it makes me feel bad

i lov that i dont need aything from anyone
i love that ig et to choose to have fun no mater what

i get to choose wher ei look and whn i start to look

no person place or condition is my supplpy

my awareness
and knowledge

of the all providing activiy of the
divine mind within e is

within me is my supply

my consciousness of this truth is unlimited
therefore my supply is unlimited

i know im looking outside of me i know im looking outside of me

i keep thinking to myself
i need something i need


give me something
so that i can continue

but as long as im thinking i need something
i wll continue
to feel like i need something

when i know what i need is rest
to sit around my house and do nothing all day

i want to feel good i want to feel good i want to feel
good iw ant to feel good i want to enjoy the day

i know that my awareness understanding
adn knowledge of god is my supply

i know that my awareness
understanding and knowledge of god is my supply

when i am aware of the god self within me as my total

i am toally fulfilled

when i am aware of the god self within me
as my total fulfillment

i am totally fulfilled

i am totally fulfilled

when i am aware of the god self within me
as my total fulfillment

i am totally fulfilled

when i am aware of the god self wihtin me
as my total fulfillemtn

i am totally fulfilled
wheen ia m wa

aware of the god self within me
as my total fulfillment
i am totally fulfilled

i am now aware of this truth

i have found the secret to life and can relax in the knowledge
that the activity of divine abundance is eternally operating
in my life

i simply have to be aware of the flow
the radiation fo creat

of creative energy which is continuously

and effortlessly

pouring forth from my divine consciousness

i am now aware
i am now in the flow

i simply have to be aware ofthe flow
thre ra

the readiat

radiation of creative energy which is continuously
easily and
effortlessly pouring forth from my divine consciousness

no person place or condition is my supply

my inner supply
instantly and constantly
takes on form and experience

according to my needs and desires

my inner supply
instantly and constantly
takes on form and experience
according to my needs and desires

i know its me i know th
its the power of me
and i refuse

give my poer o
power aways

i refuse to vibrate lack
i refuse
to c

crate th

create a version i dont prefer

today i celebrate life today im happy
and today im not giving my poer

my power away

i havet he power
i have the power not to care

i have tthe power to find my true
self i have

i refuse to vibrate lack
i refuse to vibrate lack

i refuse to suffer
i refuse to look outside of me

i refuse to suffere i

i refuse to give away my power
i remember who i am

i renounce y humanhood
i roun

renounce my humanhood and feel good now

i renounce my humanhood and feel good now
i renounce my humanhood

i let that go i let the god

that go why suffer and i kow the work
works the work works theo

to help me remember who i am

t help to help me not give my power aaw

away the work alawys works the work works

ive let that go and i dont care about it
i dont need it

i dont need anything outside of me
i know thats not hte

the source im looking to that
wanting it to be my supply by it isn’t

i know it swill
it iwll never give me the feeling i kwo

i know the feeling comes frist
and the reest follows so

grateful to remember to do this work
so gratefl to let go
and allow th

life to flow through me
so g

grateufl i dont have to care

so grateful i dont have to care
so grateful i dont have to care

i release
and i refuse to suffere

i release and i refuse to suffer
i know that life is alays on my side
i kow

that the feeling is always fllowing
to and through me

i know htat i can set it down

i know that i can set it down
its esay to set it down
and leave it there

its esay
to seat it

set it down and leave it there
i dont

i get to refuse to suffer
and that’s the real work i love that ot day
today i get to refuse to suffer

today i take back my power
today i refuse to suffer

today i dont give away my power today
y poweer

today my power is mine today my power is mine
and my

my work helps me remember my power
the powe of me

come to me if you want me