i don’t have to look at it

and i know when i look
at it
i mess it up because when i
place my

expectation on

it formulates
and when i

check for
evidence as it were
i’m causing the mystery to

i am causing the magick to
act in accordance with my

which doesn’t leave
any room for the magick
but when i allow
the magick to do the work
the magick
makes the choices for me

way better choices than
i would ever even have the ability to

and so i do this work
to remember to get out
of the way and
let the magick do the work

to allow

the computer of life to make
the choices for me and if i look at them
i mess up


i know the work is
in the focus and the
focus in on the
god self

focus on the god self is the
number one goal
because when i focus on the god
self i allow
god to flow through me
i allow the

god computer
to make my choices

i allow the
matter to act on its
own because i know
that the matter
is consciousness

matter is conscious enough to make
the choices for me
so i can get out of the way
and allow the matter to make the choice
or i can

impart my beliefs on the matter
and if i believe that i will
get what i want
then that


works in my favor and if i
don’t believe i will get what
i want


opinion does not work in my favor

if i practice being opinionless
it never works against me

life is always working for me

life is always happening in accordance
with the best possible outcome

so i’ve learned to expect the best
i know that i will never
be able to understand the powers of the

they are the powers the

that create worlds
the energy that creates worlds is
working in my favor and all i have
to do is allow it
to let go of what i

think i want
what i think i want
and allow life to give it to me
i know everything

i think i want it
base on the false


it will make me happy
but when i stop running and
listen to the silence
in this moment
i realize it will never not be

right now

the moment is now
i’m never going to get

moment is it
this moment is the event horizon

right now is the
event horizon and i
can let go of the
rest i don’t have

to wonder i never have to wonder
and i can choose to expect the
best and

never look

never look for evidence
just choose the evidence you want to see

first you believe it
then you see it

first you believe it
then you see it and when

you don’t look
that means you believe it
when you don’t look
you are

expressing faith
and when you express faith

it comes

it feels good to stop worrying
about things wondering how
they are going to
turn out and i know that my
ultimate power is my

letting go i know i’ve learned
this time and time again
and i know that the feeling is what
creates life

have i been feeling like a match to that?


otherwise i would have it
and i choose the feeling first
and then don’t look

i choose the feeling first
and then don’t look
just don’t look that’s

i can ever


is look

just don’t look for evidence

just don’t wonder
when you wonder

you look when you question whether
something is going to turn
out a certain way

you look and when you choose
then you allow the magick to
unfold the only way it can


all that matters is focus i can
focus into the flow and life
works out the more i allow
life to work its magick the more it
can so i do

i allow life to work the magick
i allow life to

do the magick and i
just sit back with a smile on my face
i love looking towards love
instead of looking

a question box
constantly wondering what’s next
but i know

what’s next i know whatever
is next is happening in my favor
whatever happens next is in my
favor and i won’t know why but

all i can do is trust
the flow and when i let go


i feel better

when i let go completely and stop holding
on to old wounds

i feel better

when i stop

i feel better when i stop
hating i feel better when i stop

questioning i feel better
when i do this work
i feel better and that

is looking within
toward love

toward god

and when i turn my focus toward
god i don’t need anything else

turn my focus toward god
and i don’t need anything else
i turn my focus within
to the

power of the universe

and knowledge of the
god within is all i need
and when i choose the

instead of questioning
life i feel good about life and when

i make the time to sit
down and answer these questions
for myself i feel better
i feel more enlivened

and more confident about who i am

i love

making the time to
know who i really am and when i
do that i look within i look at the power
of god

instead of questioning
it so today

i intend to appreciate the
power of god

instead of question
it and i intend to make the choice
for what i know is always coming
way i intend to amplify

what i want to feel more of and i

intend to tune my magnet to
what i want to see more of