i dont need anything to happen

i dont need antyhign to change i love
the freedom of knowing i dont need anything

and the work always helps me get there
i nkow is a praccice

its a tuning of attention
i get to choosee where i place my attention
i get ot choose
how if eel i get to choose

where i place my attention

just choose and that is my power
i dont need a reason
because the reaos
reason is always god i know that the

reason is always god so i never need ther rea
the reaosn to feel good is god i

the reason is always god and i love
that i now i love that i now god i love that
i now its just me and god
i love that i know its just
me and god and nothing else matters

i love that i get to feel the
feeling of it get to allow it to come to me

to say yes to it get to be aware i love that
i get to be ware
i ove that i get to be aware

its the r
the practicce is the flow
tis the god self that

that brings the feeling i seek
and everything is the god self
evverthing is the god self
the choice
of c

focus everything is the choice of focus
i now this i know this
i nko

that nothing has powre of me
affects how i feel

i am the source of how if eel and i get to choose

the source
of how i feel i am the source of
how i feel iam

iam the

i am the poweful one
i am the pwoer

poweerful one i knwo tha ti am the powerful one
i love that i now i ilov tha t
i knwo

i love tht i t

that i now i love that i now

the pracctice is all there is
the focus is all there

that’s not my source

not my srouce
that’s not my source

not my source not my source and

can feel how i would want
her to feel if i was on the
the one


if i was the one recieving

i get ot feel it and then i get to drop it
i get to feel it tand then

then i get to feel god a
and god is my real source
god is my

real soource
god is my real source
i love that

im getting to practice
i love that i truly dont care i love that
theres more than enough i love

god is lavish unfailing
i love that i now my supply
is not limited
my awareness of the god within me is my


i have god i have god i have god

i have god i have the foucs
i have the focus which is

way more satisfying
and its a good

reminder that its not my source
not my soruce
that god is my sourse

that my awareness
and knowledge of the all providing activity
of the divine mind within me is my supply

that’s mm
not my supply
its the reflection
and i dont need that

i dont need any of that
becuase i havve god
so i dont care what happens becaues
my cup is overflowing with god

my cup is overflowing with god
i have god and everything htat

that irks me
puts me closer to god
because god never irks
and god is never irked

i lovet hat i dont have to care
tha i have god that