i’m doing the work and that’s all there is
release the rest
release all doubt
suspend your disbelief
suspend thinking that god sin
isn’t always on your side
that’s all there is
either in or out either in
on or off and that’sa ll there is
i love that i know this i love that i know life
and i know that
i am that i am
that’s all it comes back to
i am that ia m
i am athat i am
i am that iam and that’s all it ever comes back
to i do this work because its the only work
and if i really care about how i feel is
if this is really the life
i;m living then this the
is my only work this is my only work
the tuning work is the only work
and i love that i know this
i love that i’m always getting exactly what i want
i love that its my day!!
and i’m always getting exactly what i want
i love that i know this i love
that god is always on my sie i love that
i know that god is always on my sid e
i love that i get to
to feel good and do this work
the only work