i feel good i feel good

i feel good i feel good i feel good
i embrace this day i love this day i love this moment
i love this day i love this moment i love
feeling good i love ccle

celebrating the day i love that its easy to let things go
i love that its easy to focuso n the version i prefer
i ove

i feel good i feel good i feel good

even though i had a bad dream that’s ok
i woke up feeling … idk but that’s ok!!

i can always turn the boat i can always enjoy the day i can
always jump right intot he day into tlove

into love i can always jumpt right into love

i can do it i can do it i can do it i can always tune i can
always tune myself to the vibration of god

that my proximitiiy to god is my supply
and i can always

access god i can always access god theere is
no limit to the amount of god that i can access and i celebrate that
its easy to make the swtich!!

it’s so easy to swtich the energy to flip the switch
and see it played out its so easy to choose how i want to feel
to choose the version i want to act out the

i want to inhabit its so easy to focus into this
here andn ow to feel how i want to feel in this here
and now to feel how i want to fele
int his hhere
and how


its so easy to focus its so easy

i’m in a great mood i’m in a great mood

i love that its a good day i love that its eay
to change the
to turn the boat i love that its easy to turn the boat

i love that its easy to choose howi want to feel and then life reflects that
which makes it then even easier to feel good i love that life is good to
me that it always works out for me that its alaywa

working out in my favor i love
feelign good i love that i get to feel good that i
get to choose teh version that ig et to love that
i get to choose teh focus the at
that i get to choose teh feeling that i get to choose teh
feeling iw ant to feel that i get to choose teh version i want to act out

i am the god self i am the god self
i am the god self creating myself i create myself i caret

create myself and i love that i know this i love that
i know this i love that i get to experience it i love that its so eays i love
that its so easy to feel good to feel the flow of life
to feel the flow of life

to feel the truth of life to know the truth of life its so

so easy to feel good to feel the flow to feel the flow to feel
the flow to feel the god self to re

feel the resistance

drop away to feel the energy return
to let go of the energy from my bad dream
and transmute it
to do the work in every second because it works
i love that i g

choose i love that i get ot choose the flow

i love that i get to choose that i know ti si ilove that
i love that i know it i love that it already is i love that
i get to choose to feel good right now i love that

love is all around i love that i get to choose

i feel good i feel good i feel good i feel the flow
i feel the flow flowing i feel the magick flowing i feel the

magick life i aim tapped into the energy of god i am the
energy of god i am
god i know that my source and my supply
is my proximity

to god

thereofre my consciousness of the presence of god
wtihin me is my supply

my consciousness of the presence of god with in m

is my supply
i love that its to

so easy i love that life
is so eay i love that
life is good i love that

life is good i love that life

is easy i love that its

i love that i know i love that life is good i love
taht i know life loves me i love
that ig et to celebrate it that i get to chose

choose it knowing that life always reflects the energy

that life always refelcts the energy i know that life
always loves me i love that i know life loves me i love that
i get to feel good i love that i get to
feel good i love that i get to choos

feel good i love that i get to

feel god that i know i am god that ia m devoted to the
lotus sutra

i am devoted to the flow of life
i get tout of

ou of the way and lov ei get tout
out of the way and lov ei get t

out of the way and love i feel good now feel the
feeling right now i feel life right

i feel love

right now

i love

that i get to feel good that i get to
see the god in everything that im attuned to life and the
way it works knowing that everything is always in ther

the air and miracles happen all day every day
but they aren’t miracles they are just how life works and i love
that i know how life works that i get to

have fun and enjoy it!!

i love that i know i love that
life is good i love that life is good and i know life

loves me i love that i know life loves me

i love that i get to feel the feeling of

feeling good of feeling god


my consciousness of the presence of god within me
is my supply