i feel good and i love that i get to
that i get to know my source that i get to know my source
and that’s the true bliss i know the
that source is the true bliss and athat
anything else wuld come as a reslut of ghat i know
that life flows in reflection of
in diirect reflection
of me i know the power of me and i know the inner work
is the only work the fele
fitness of feeling is the only work
i know the fitness of feeling is the only work
and its up to me to choose how if eel
i get
to choose
i get to choose the work i get to choose the
work the feeling i do the feeling work first
get in the vorte a
and then i
and i know that no matter how
many times if orget my vortex
i can always find it again
i know that no matter
how many times
i forget my votex
vortex i can always find it again
no matter how many times i forget
i always remember it again
i always remember it again
i always remember it again
always remember it again
the true i
the truth i know i know i cna just
choose the truth right now
and then i dont’ have to hlpe
hope for something else to happen
then i
dont have to hope and i know that
is the true bliss is not hoping
for anyting
i know that is true bliss
trustng whatever happnes
ad i know that in this feeling i
find exca
exactly what i seek
i know there’s nothing to seek
i know this
there’s nothing missing
there’s never anything missing and i love that
i know this that
i can jsut sink into the lib
bliss of life
so grateufl to get ot feel good
so grateful to get to feel good
i love that i know i can do it
i love that
i get to feel the feeling of me the power of me
the certainty of me i ilove that i se e
see it i love that ia m aware
aware of the power of me i love
i am aware of the bliss within
the bliss wihtin
the truth within
the knowing withing
the choice
within i love that i get to choose it
now i et t
get to choost he feeling i seek right now
i get to choose teh feeling
of oneness right now and
i already have it i alreayd get to celebate it
and i know
i dont have to woner what
wonder what’s going to happen i
never have to wonder i can
just tru
tsut and contine ud
to feel the feeling o
of trust
the feeling of stais
satisfaction i seek is
here and now
the feeling of satisfaction
i seek is here and now the ;fee
the feeling i seek is here and now
i am aware i am awrae
of the oneness
i am grateful for the
support that ew’
we’re doig it together that
we know how to do it
that we know how to keep our integrity
that we get to keep feeling good
that we get to allow it
to rise i love
i feel the oneness i feel ceratinty
i feel
the oneness i feel the certainty
i feel the sourcce i feel
the cour
source if eel communion with sourcce
i feel communion with source
i feel communion with source
i feel oneness
i feel love i feel the love that comes from
within no
knwoing its never outsie of me th
there’s nothing to see bec
becaus what i seek is already right here
i love the pure feeling
i love the pure feeling
i love the pure feeling
the f
pure feeling is all tehre is
the poerful
feeling the knowing feeling hte
of letting all the rest go
none of ther est is reall
the feeling is here already
its me already its me already i know
i dont’ need anything
i know there’s nothing to
i kow the
i kow the
i know the one and only truth i know the
one and only truth
that it could
i never anything to gain or lose
that i
the feeling i seek is
right here right now
that i know the power of me that
i knwo th
the poweer of me
that all of life follows the feeling
and the only work is the feelign work
the only work
is the feeling work the
only work is the feeling work
and i know that i
i can do it i can feel the feeling work
i can feel the feelig here and onw
i can feel the feeling here and ow
do the feeling work frist
the feeling work first
that’s all there is and i knwo wthi
what do i believe????
wht do i believe?????
do i believe that life happens on the physical plane??
do i believe in trying
do i believe in hammering tin
into place??
do i believe i am god?!?!?!
do i beleive i am god?!?!?!