i get to choose

only i can choose only i get to choose onlyi get
to choose onlh i get to choose
onlyi get to chose
if i care what

what i make of it just sa
stay focused just stay focus

stay feeling the feeling i prefer to feel knwo that
i can move on to bigger and better i love hat i knwo
i love hat i now i that i nwo i that i

its never them its me its never
them its me its never them its me

its me createing how i feel and i have
god i get to feel how god feels

who am i a
who am i
who am

that has attention on itself
who am i that creates the version i prefer
who am i that

feels it fist i
who am i that decides not to care to

who am that is not affected who am i
that shc

chooses love chooses life sh
chosoes god

chooese to care

do not have to care

let it go orever

it go forever becaue it will never
be my source
let it go frever forever

because it will never be my source

because it will never be my source
that’s not the real me nad i get to

i get to refuse to feel lack i get to focus
when i

where i prefer and i get to chosoe to feel good nwo
i get to
choose to feel good now

i get to choose

dont wonder
decide don wonder decide and thats’ hat life helps me do
that’s what life

hels me
helps me do reminds me to d taht
that’s the
part i nkwo i nkwo

i nwo how to do dont worry
dont worry


i don thave to da
care who am ith at taht cares

who am i that cares and its reol
roller coaster that i need to get off of
i need to stop



and i knwo that i can i nkow that this work can ehlp em
hi now that i get ti know tat i get ot
stop caring

because that will never be my source it will never be my source
that will never

be my source

its me its me its only ever mits only
ever its only ever me
its only

ever me feeling and other peopls
dont affect that and that
that’s the gift i can give myself
tha’ts the give i an

can give myself its me is
i am in charge of how i feel only me

i value myself i know im the shit

i know im hot in cleveleand
and love
that i get to vlaue myself

all i can do is feel myself
i can do is feel myself
all ic and o is

is feel myself all ic an do is feel myself

just choose dont wonder just

choose dont wonder and know life reflects

im so grateful for the time and space
to remember who am
i am and to know that its god and get to choose it
get to

remember the power of me
bet th
get to put attention on itself i get to put atteniton on
itself i get t
deeply acceept the here and now i get
to say

thank you

its neve them i

never the source im the that
the source

my proximity go god
to god is my source
is my sour

it alraedy is the way i want it to be ita always

it alraedy is the wa i want it to be it already is the
way iw ant it to be i knwo this is all there is
feeling is all there i

there is choose with the felen a
wand aloow life to respond