i get to enjoy the day in gods world i get to
enjoy the day in gods world i get to
enjoy the day feeling gods eneryg i get to do the only work the gods work
i get to do
to do gods work i get to do gods work
get to choose how if eel got
today get to to dt
to do the awareness work the flipping the switch work
get to choose to have a good day today
i choose the dayi choose
the dayi choose the energy of the day i choose the
energy o
i choose how if eel i choose life i
today i choose life today i choose gods life
i choose gods world i get to live in gods world
today i get to live in
gods world
today i get to live in gods
i get to feel good today get to have a good day today
get to feel good today get to feel good today
get to celebrate the ady
today get to ccelebrate the day today
get to allow life to flow
through me t
get to fee th
how god feels today i get to feel how god
feels today i get to feel how god feels today
i get t f
to feel how god feels and i get to release the rest
i love the feeling of release i love
the feeling of letting god i l
go i love that i et to let it go i love that
i dont have to care i love don
that i dont care i loe that i get to choose teh power of me
the energy of me
the energy of m i
i get to choose the opwer of me the
energy of me
i get to feel good today i get to feel good
today i get to have a good day toda i get to allow the
god feeling i get to do
focus where i want to fele i
i get to feel the feelng of the wish desired
i get to live in gods world todayi get ot
feel the feeling today i get to
feel good today i get to feel good
today i get to feel the magic of life
get to celebrate the magic of life get to
feel good get to feel good
get to ccelebrate the day
get to lo
let go fo what i think is misssing
get to feel good now get to feel the feeling now
get to llow
allow god now i get to allw go
allow god now and release the rest i d
never tha
have to think about whats missing
i can just say thank you i can just dsay
say thank you and relesae the rest
just release just let it go just let it go i love
that id ont have to care i loe that
i get to releae the tension that i can always do this work the god work the
feelign gowo
work the only work the only work the only work the feelng work
the feeling wor the feeling work the feeling
work the
the feeling work i love that i get to do it
get to feel good get to feel the feeling the feeling
i watn to feel get to relese teh resta
dont havet o care abut the rest
i xN can lawys
turn awareness on itself
i can always releaas
relax into awareness
i can always feel the release of life flowing
easy to and through me i can always
feel the release of being the god self
i feelt he god
the feeling here and now and i know nothing
is missing i love that i get to
be aware get to do the only owkr
i love that i get to let that go
right now i love that i dont have to think about that
i loe that i get to feel the freedom of lettign g
it go of looking only toward god
of focusing only on god i love that i
get to chooe hre and now to focus on god
i love that i get to choose here and now
to focus on god to be god
i get to choose to be god now
i get to feel the
the god eneryyg i
i get to look for it i get to
look for it i get to be it i get to feel it and i nkow that is always right erhe
always just is
i loe that i know this and theres nothing mssing
i dont havet o try to feel anything
just let go of the reset and allow
and allow life to flow
allow life to flow and allow life
to flow i can just let go fo the ret and
allow life to flow
to feel how i want to feel
i love nejoying class i love havinga good time
i love not
wastingmy time
usging the time i love twhen i feel good in class
when i feel strong when i want to do it
i love having fun
enjoying the dayi love nejying
they dayi i lov
i know its just one hour and its fun
and its feel soog
i know that it helps me feel good about myself
i nkow i can just go through me the motions
i can choose to feel good about myse
fabout my life
i trust the flow of the of
llife i trust the flow of life i trust the flow
of life
i trust the flow of life i gurst
trust the god self the god feeling it rust the god
i trust the god feeling i trust the feeling of god
i know the only work i know the only owrk
and i can ajust allow gods lovee to flow through me