i get to have a good day i get to feel love i get to
feel the feeling of love i get to send the feeling of love ige t
to choose the feeling of the wish fulfilled get
to choose the feeling of the
wish fulfilled
i get to choose the feeling of the wish fulfilled
i get to choose the mmood and life follows and
today i choose the mood of me
the ch
i choose the mood i want nand i dont care about anyone else
i choose the mood here and now and
and allow life to follow i choos the
feeling i want to feel here and nowi
i choos the feeling iw ant to feel
here and now i choose the
feeling i wnat to feel here and now
i love the feeling i ilove feeling cured
i love that i dot need anything from anyone
i love that i have god and my vortex
and i get to feel good i have god and my vortex and i
get to feel good
i have god and my vortex and i get to feel good
i love that ive let that go i love that
ive relase that i love that i get to
do the work i love that i get to feel healed i love that
i am healed i love that ive let that go i love that
i knw
i no
don’t need anything i love that i know god is always on my
side and i can alwys chosee the feeling and life
has to rearrange itself
i know that life is always arranging itself around my expectations
i love that i get to have a good day a flowing day a magickal day i get
to choose to feel good about that today i g tto
choose abndance today i get to choose the
total fulfillment today
i am totally fulfilled i lovee that i know
that i already have it all i love that i know that nothing is missing
i love that i get to enjoy the day with the feeling of nothing
missing i know that eveyrthign
is working out perfectly
i get to feel the feeling of me the poweer of m
i get to choose the feeling of me
the power of me here and now i get to choose to have a good day
here and now i love that i get to i love
that i get to i love that i get to choose
to have a good day i get to choose
to have a good mood
to fel the feeling of knwoing to relese the reat
to chooe love to get to chooe love today
i get ot choose mtoday i choose me today and tha’ts all i can
i now that all i can do is choose the feeling i prefer
and allow life to floowl
i get to choose and i never havet o soner
to wonder
i get to chooes the magick of me i ch
get to choose the poewer ofme i get to choose the
feeling of the wish fulfilled
i get to choose my mood i get to choosee the
feeling and life follows
and i love that i know that none of it amtters
i love that i know that nthing m
nothing matters and i get to just sit back and watch
i get to choose to feel good today
i get to choose to feel good to love my life
i get to choos to love my life today
how do i want to feel
celebrating life
magickal god feeling
i feel the feeling of god flowing
throughmei fee
i feel the feeling of knwoing i ove t
ath i get to choos teh feeling of knkowing
i love that i dont need
anything else i love that
i choose the feeling here and now the god feeling
thr trust feeling the
flow of creative energy feeling i love that
love is good that i ge toto
to choose the version i prefer that i get to havve a good life
with my wife i love that life is good that life is perfect
that i get to choose the mood that i get to choose the
expectation that
i get to choose
the feelig in every mome
moment i get to choose the feeling in
every moment i get to choose the
feeling in every moment i nko that i know that i get to that
the feelig precedes all of lfife a
and i know its a practce and its os eay
to practice i lovee that if eel
it now i ilove that i know that nothing can stop the feeling that
that i know that life is always evolving in my favor
i loe when i let it go completely i love when
i dont care what happens i love that i celebrate the day
and whatever comes
knwoing whateve comes will be magickal i love that
i know i dont have to do or achieve anything
all i can achiee is trust
is the feling of knowing
is the feeling of total fulfillment
i love practicing the art of letting life come to me
i knwo that god is lavish
unfailing abundance
the rich omnipresent substance of the universe
this all providing source
of infinite prosperity
is individualized as me
the reality ofme
the reaity ofme
god is lavish unfialing abundance
today i get to choose the feeling today i get
to let it go
forever today i turst whatever
happens i dont need anything to happen i dont hwat
wnat anything to happen
i get o choose to feelgood now
i get to choos to feel good now to feel the
feeling now feel the feeling now knowing the feeling is me
i knwo the feeling is me i kow tha ti ma the one
and only creator of me