i get to decide to have good a good day today
i get to decide not to care i get to decide not to care
about any of theat
that i get to choose my inner bliiss right now i get to choose my
inner bliss and i love that i get to i love that its easy to i love t
hat i
tis’ easy to choose my bliss
bliss its esay to choose my bliss its easy to do this work the only work
its easy to feel good its easy to start the day off right i
its easy to jump into the flow its esay t
to trust the flow itss
ig et to feel that feeling of yes thank you
i get to feel that feeling ofl if
life going my way i love that i know life is goig my ay
i love that i get o
to feel good i love tha i get to feel that
feeling of knowing life is going my way i love that
i get to do this ork the only work i love that
i get to feel t
i love that i am tuned in tapped in turned on
i loe that i dont acc
i love that don’t care i love that i’m doing me i lovee that
i get to have a good day celebrating the god in my life
i love that i know god is here with me and htat i all i will ever need
i love that i nk
that i know god is here
right here with me and
and that is all i wai
will evver nedd
what can love do tday
today what can god do today wha ca
what can alignment do toay
i can
i get to have go
a good day today i love that i get to ccome o
come out on the other sie i love i lov th
i love that i don’t care i loe that ig et to choose just love i love
that ig et to choose love
i get to choose the god self
what can love do today i love that i kwno
i love that i know that love makes magick
god is magick and i can trust the god self
i am the god self and i know that the
the god self is the only thing i know
i need i lovee that ig et to feel good today
that i get to ccelebrate life today
that i get to elebra
celebrate me today
celebrate life today i’m here to bring forth the feeling
i’m here to bring forth aligment
i a
i’m here to shine light on alignment
to feel for the feeling and practice it i’m here to feel for the feeling of alignmetn
and know what it feels like
i’m here to remember god to remember the god feeling to remember that if eel good
that iw a feeling feat
great to remember that i feel freat
great to remember that god feels great to remember
that god loves
i love that i get to drop that forever
i love that i never had to care i love that
i know that life is good to me that
life loves me that life flows perfectly
through me that i never need anything outsie of me
that there never is anything outside of me
i love that i know that
this i love that i know that all ic an do is feel the
feeling and let go al i can
all i can do is jump into gods world
all ic an do
is jump into t
gods world i love th
the feeling of havinga
a good day i love that its eays to have
a good day i love that its easy
to feel the feeling when i let the rest go i love that
i’ve let that go i love that
i’ve let htat
that go i love that its s
its esay t
easy to let it go i love that its easy to let it g
its easy to let it go its s
esay to let it go and let god replace it
where i once was creating a problme
god arrived to create s ol
a solution
i love that i know that god always figures it out
tha til
that i’ll never figure anything out sn
and that i ccan just trust i can just trust tlife
i can trust life i
i trust the flow of life flowing through me
i trsut the feeling of loe
love and a good day and if i can’t bring myself to ov
to love that
then i can at least stop hating
i love that i get to choose how ifeel i loe htat
ig et to be evolve emotionally
i know that i dont ever have to try or make something happen
i can just trust the flow
i love that i no longer care i love that
i can allow life to come to me i loe that
i lovve that ig et to let go i love that god is figureing that
one out i love that today i get to just have fu
fun and nejoy life today i get to en
enjoy life today i get to feel good today i get to enjoy life
today i get to feel good today i fet o
i get to say thank you becaus i know when i ask it
is given i know he
i know when the energy is there
life returns it i know that life returns
the energy i put into it
i know that life matcches my energy i know that life
matches my energy and i know that i can
get to choose my energy
i love that life is going my way
i love that i know life
loves me i love that i know this day loves me i love
tat i get to celebrate this day fully
i love that i get to love this day no matter what
and it already loves me back