i have the power not to think about that

i have the power to feel good
i have
the power to feel the energy
flow through me i have the power

to feel good i have the power
to feel good i have the power i have
the power to

relinquish my power

i love doing the work
because it feels good

i can always just stop
naysaying in my head
and make the choice to feel good
about myself i can alwas make

always mae thechoice
the choice the choice the choice
to feel goodi can

i can always make the choicde to feel
to feel good to


feeling bad

and start nothing haha

i love making the choice and doing the work i love
that its easy

to raiase my vibration
i love how good it feels god
tof eel good

to tune in tap in turn on
i love feeling how

how good it feels god

to feel good i love allowing god to flow
through me and i love that i get tomake the choice
to feel good i love that

i get to make the choice to feel
good now i love that i

always get to make the choice to
feel good

i love that the flow

is flowing through me i love that
the flow is

flowing through me i love that i know
i am god
and when i



i stop my mind i stop
my ego from going around
in circles

i stop my ego from
running around and i

remember that i am one

with everything that
is a reflection of a vibration
i know

i become it then i see it
and i know the contrast
helps me focs

focus on this truth

i know it is

all in my mind i know that it
is all in my mind i know that it

is all in my mind i know that
life lovesme i

and i love trusting my intuition

i love
trusting my intuition

i love that i can
just do me and not worry about the rest i love
the power of

this focus i lve
when i want to do the work when

i want to feel good

when i fee

when i feel
empowered by life

when i feel empowered byt he

the god self within i love
celebrateing the

the fact that i am

that i am god i love
celebrateing the f

the fact that
i am
god i love celebrating the f
act that

the fact that i am god i love
that i ge tto feel to feel good i love
that i get to

love myself

i love the power of tunint

tuning myslef tot he
to the

happy to focus witin
and raise my vibration

i know i can do it!!!

i know i am able to tune myself
to the vibration of source
i know i cando it i know

i can tune myself i know it s

easy to tune myself to the
vibration of me

to the the

vibration of me i love feeling the
energy that creates worlds flowing through me

i love feeling the energy that’s

i love feeling the flow
of life i love saying yes thank you
i love saying yes thank

i love feeling the flow
of life i love feeling

the connection to life i love
feeling to

the connection to life
i love feeling connected to life
i love

feeling connected to life and
allowing the energy that creates worlds to flow
through me i love

doing the work leaning intot he
the flow

i love leaning into the flow
i love

leaning intot he

the flow i love

that it is easy for me to forgive

i love that i never have to
let anything

the work loves me god
loves me and i know that god loves me

so today

i will not worry
i wll not
will not wonder

i will simply
trust the flow of life i will simply
trust teh

the flow of life and allow life



andi know that is all that matters
i love leaning

intot he flow i love
leaning intot he flow i love

leaning intot he flow i love
i love
feeling good i love

feeling good i love
feeling good i love

the flow i love
feeling in alignment

with my desires

i love doing the work
and knowing the the

the work is all that matters
i love that i

am the one and only creatoee i

creator i love
that i am in control of my thoughts i love
that i get to choose how i feel
i love

that i get to

feel good i love that i
get to make the choice
to feel god

i love

the magick of life i love
that i get to feel good i love
that i know

life loves me i love
that i get to

feel good i love that i get to tune myself
to the vibration of me i love

feeling the vibration of me i love

making the choice to



a joyful life

i love that i ge tto feel
to feel good now i love
that i get to

feel good now i love

i love that i get to

get to feel good ow i

i know first i become it then
i see it i know that the

energy that surrounds things

is my choice i love that
i get to choose i love that i
get to choose i love

i feel the flow of life
flowing through me and i can

am celebrating the
best that can possibly happen

i know my

i know that god is in
me and when i trust the
energy to take care of life

then it can

i know all that i can ever
do is trust

trust life to

take care of me
and the more i do
the more

it does