i have to make the choice to fee lit first to feel it first i have to make the choice
to feel it first i have to make the choice
to feel it first i have
i am it i am it i am the feeling its how i see myself it sh
howi decid to cee
to seee m
myself and i can make the choice to see myself
in any way i can mak
make th
the time to decide thosw how mylife is going ot go
i make the time to be the god self i amke
the th
time to be the gaod self
i make the time to remembe the god self to rmember
is hot its how i seee myself
i ge tto choose how my i see myself
i get to choose how mly life is is
si going to go i get t
i get ot feel good i
get to feel the flow of life flowing throuhg me i get ot fele
the flow
of life flowing through me
i get to be god i get to be ag
god i ammake the time to be the god self
i amke the time to be the god self and m
the more i focus on the god fv
versoin of life the magic version of life
the more it flows and i know this
its a focus
and i choose it
its a focus and i choh
choose it here and nw i know i nkow that
this is the only work this is theo nly
part the m that maters the vf
feeling is the only part the that mattes the focus
is the only part that matters
if i care about myself if i belive in
myself if i see myself
as what i b
what to be do i see myse
do i see myself as who i want to
be so
do i see myself as gh
who i want to be
i know its me i know its the feeling of me i
know that the god self is real i know i get otfele
it i know that i feel it
i picture it
and then it is
i picture it and then it is
i love that life is good i love
i am making time for god i am making
time for god in my life that’s what im doing here
im making the time to put my focus on god
to remember what i reallyam its
too eay to forget what i realla m
am to rememb
to forget that its all me its too eays to forget
thatnk you for this day for this moment thank you thank you for
this moment thank you
thank you for th e
the god self the god feeling making
making time for the life iwant o fe
to live for the feelng i want to feel for the versli ni want to see and i knwo tis taht esay i know that it
alreayd is i knwo
i know that it already is i know that it already is i know tis me i know its me
i know its me
i know its me
i know its me i know its me i nkow its whtaever i wnta that
is the feeling i seek and i know it i knot he
the feeling of god that is the feeling i seek and i get ot feel it now i get
to feel it now this work eh
hels me do it and that feeling is alreayd right here with me
i get to say thank you
because it already is
im making time for god im making time for
who i really am for who i
how i watn to feel im making time for how i wnt ot feel
and i love that i get to i love thati
i get to i love that i get t
i love that
i know this i knowthis i nkow the
secret to life i knwo its ehate
whatever i want i know its whateer
whatever i wnat i know its whta
i want i nko the feeling always comes
i know tis me i know i am god i know its am
i am god i making p
space for the persoin i wnat to se be
to be i allow myself to be it
i allow myself ot be it i la
allow the enegy of life to flow through me i say
yes to whate is ia llow what is i allow the feeling of god
to thrive in me
i allow the feeling of go to thrive in me
the feeling of magic
the feeling of knowing
the feeling of knowing
the feeling of knowing
the feeling of knowing
the feeling of knowing
dropping everything for god
dropping everything for god
the god within as the only cause of my prosperity
i knwo it sna di can always return to it
the energyof life
i know it and i can alwys return to it the energy of life
i love that i get
i know i know how i wnat to feel
i am the feeling i seek i am the
magic of life i am the magic of life i am the magic of life i am the magic of life t
and three’s no limit to how much magic theres
no limit to the magic theres no limit
to the magic
thers no lming and i love that i know that
i that i get to keep doing it that i get ot keep allowing the god de
self the god self is alwys here with me
that tis me the
the feeling of me
how i see is
myself is how i amd i knwo this
i know the secret to life
i know that when i pcit
picture what i want
i see it
i know that when i picture what i want
i see it