i know its know its me in all the angels
angles and i know life shows me i nwo life
shows me what ia m and i know i get to choose
to drive it in the dirction
that i want i cana law
always choose to drie
drive lifght
life in the direction i want
on ever
its only me its only me its only
me its never outsie of me t
its never outsidde of me i love that i know
that i and i can always come back tknow
to onw
the cnet
what do i know what i do i know
i nkow
ic an work through ti re
real fast it so s
easy to work through it
feel bad e
becaue i was resisting but i feel b
better now becuast he work the work is
done the work is n
donte the
the work is done the work is done
the work is di
is done and its only the
feeling of me it sonly
eve the feeling of me i know me
i know m i nkow m
i know the energy of me and its up to me if i feel it
if i get to feel it
its up to me to feel it now to feel it now
to feel grateful now i get to feel grateful fu
now i get to feel grateful now
i get to feel grateful now i get to
feel abundanct nt
now i get to feel aprov
approved of now i
get to feel proud of my work i get to relax in get to
celebbate teh weeked
now i know to be more honest
and set the boundry for my time
im learning so much
about how to not let her get to me
becaues its now her
not her its me hi
its how i react to her i know tis how i react to her
i nkow its how i react to her
its not her
its how i react
i dont have
work after hourse
i dont have to
awork in a rush
i can say no i can stand up for myself and my time
i kow i know the truth i know the truth
i know the truth and its the feeling
take the tiem to drive with the feeling
i get to choose rith
now it
i know that i forgot for a minute nbut now i remembe its up to me
do t
drive laig
i know the
the rsat is fake
i nkow is
its no one else
its how i respone
i make shit up
i dont have to care i cna jsut be gateful
and i
can start righ now
beucaes that’s what makes life
the feeling makes life so i choose it
i love that work is going great i love hat
tis gone i lovve hat she
she liked i i
i know that im always learning about myse
myself and doing my best to work for other peol
people sometimes its hard tow rk bhwn i dont
wnat to be id o it
i do it and i learn a lot eveyt iem
and im learning so much abou how to feel good
how ot feel good about eveyrthing
about how to drvie this now i get to
learn and remember hwo to drive this with the
feeling and i love that i get to
i kow becau
i kow its only me i remember th
now thought and i get i to feel good i remembering
i get to choose how if eel about that
ig et to cleebrate that get to send the
signal of that i get to senf the
the signal of that
i get to send ths
the signal and that’s all there i the
the feeling the signal and i nwo i know the signal i nkow
i know how life works i know
life doesnt have a choice
its just up to me
its up to me
thank you thank you for the life flowing
through me thank you for god taking ccare of me thank
youf or lif floin
flowing through me
thank you for thinfi
the infinie abundanceth
the in and the out the in and the out ath
the ina nd the out that heps me
rememberr who i am
so grateful to get to feel the feeling
to get to feel the feel of yes
to say yes and yes!!
i get to say yes and yes!
i love that i get to !
i ge tto say yes and yes i get to say eys
and yes i knwo this i nkwo
i knwoth
i know the truth inkow
tis not outside of me
life is inside of me
how i react is iside of me i love that
i get to work i lov ethat
that i like the work i love that
i ge tto be r
proud of it i love that its up to me
i get to feel it i get to feel good i
get to go
go to sleep feeling good i
get to say yes
and yes i get to say yes and yes
i get to say eys and yes nd i know i know that i get to feel it
nothing can stop me from feeling ti
nothing can stop me fromfeeling
it nothing can stop me from
feeling it becuase im so relieved
i never have to wonder
because its me its only me
its only me its only me its only
me its only me
its me its me
i choose and then it is i never hve to wonder
i love that i am valued i love that
i know they love me i love that i know they love my
work i
always turn it around as fast as i can
i get to go to bed
celebrating a job well done i get to
celebrate a job well done i
get to celebrate
a job well daone
done i get to celerate life knowing life
that life is celebrating it me
i know tis ut o
to me to feel how iw ant to feel