i know all that matters is how i feel

and today i get to feel at ease
in the flow i get to trust whatever happens and ik now
that i know that when i tune myself to the
ease and flow of life

that is what i see i know that when i
know that the energy is all there is and
i am tuned tot he ne
the energy of god

today i expect everything to go
smoothly today i expect it all to
get odne today

today i know nothingmatters


i get to feel the feeling now i
bring the feeling i wnat to feel
to every situation and make
the choice to feel that feeling now

i love that i get to celebrate life i love that
life is good for me i love that life

is good for me i love

that life is good form ei love that
i get to feel the feelign and know that

it is law that life
reflects the feeling i love that
i gt to
get to feel cool calm and collected i love that
i get to feel goo di love
i love that i ge tto fe
get to feel good
i love that i get to feeel the
flow flowing through me i love that life
is good i love that

today i feel good today i feel
at ease and know that the god
energy will do it all and i
get to feel good now i love that i
get to feel good now

i love that i get to feel good now i love
that i get to feel good now i love that
i get to love life in this here and now i
love that

i love that i ge tto celebrate life
i love that i am the signle

single governing force in my life
i love that i now this i love that it’s
ag doo
good day i love that
everything is
unfolding perfectly i love
that everything
is unfilding
unfolding perfectly i love

i love that i love that i love that
life is good i love that i never to wonder
i get to choose i love that i know i am
loved i love that i am

affluent i love that i’m the best i love that
i can do i ti love i love that
i can do it

i can do the work i love

the power of t

me i love the power of me i love that
i i love that i get to let it come to me

i love that i know my non action
is stronger than my actoin

my expectation is stronger than
my expectation i love the
better it gets i love the easeire

easier it gets i love that iknow it

it can only reflect me i love that
i know it
can only reflect me i love

the power of me i love the power of me i love the
feeling of me i love that i know i am god
i love that i ge tto feel how i wnat i love that
i get to feel at ease
in my life i love i love

i love that i love

that i get to feel good in my life i love that i
get to celebrate this dasy i love
iu love

i love that it’s a good day i love
that i can feel everything
getting done fast
and well
i love that
life is good i love that life is good i love
that life is good i love
that life is good i love

that life is good i love
wher ei am

am right now i love that i
get to choose the feeling i love that
i get to choose the feeling

i love that i know
life can only

reflect the

energy and i get to feel the

i know it’s only ever me iknow life is me
i know life is me i know that life

reflects me the

i love that i ge tto feel
good today that t

i know the energy is me
and i get to celebrate life today i love that
life is good i love

that i can feel my heart singing i love
that i get to let god do it

i love that it’s only ever me
i know that this is the only work
this is the only work

and iknow t
i know that i love that iknow i love

i know that i’m the best i love
taht i get

i love that i ge tto celebrate life
that i get to choose the eenrgy
energy i put towards life i love

that i get to celebrate my cus

success i love that i get to celebrate my success i love that
i get to do the work i love that i
get to do the work i love

i love that i get to do the work i love

i love that i ge tto love
to love myself i love that i
get to love myself

i love that i get to do the


i love setting the stage
i love that
i don’t havet o care about what

happens i love that i know
god is always dong the

doing the work and it’s not
even me

it’s the energy
doing the work
and i love that i can just
get out of the way

and enjoy

i love that i get to enjoy i love that
i nkow it’s my choice to enjoy
and this is the only work

this is the only work this is the only work

i love feeling my heart sing
i love that life is good for me i love that
life is good for me and that life
loves me and i never have to care what happens!!!

i love that today will be easy and fun!!!