i know everything is perfect

i know life loves me i nkow life loves me
i know life loves me i kno
i know this work works i know this work works

what do i know i now i never have to wonder i know i never have to wonder
i know im getting what im
i want and ididn’ thave to try thank you god for everything

for getting my life back for having good days every day
for feeling good now for the turmeric

for a court near my house
we alredy have a court
we already have one i know this i now its
already is im so grateful fro the space the space i wanted

what do i know what do i know?
i know that god is lavish

UNFAILING abundance
i know that everything is always in
our favori know that everything is
in our favor i know that life is in
our favor i know that life is perfect right now i know that
evering is in my favor i knw that life is good i knwo that life is

i dont i know i don thave think
i know i nkow i don thave to care iknow that my mind
and attention are just defaluting there but they can cd
default ot anywher
i knwo tthat i get to celebrate life i i know thatl ife is good i l
i know that life life is good no matter what
i know that life is good no
matter what i now i get to choose lust for life i
i get to choose lust forl ife i love that i get to i love that i get to i love
that i get to i love that
i get tofeel the feeling of fo of god that god is the druge

i get to feel the feeling of god that i get to choose to feel
the way i prefer that
i get to choose how i feel tha i get to refuste to suffer that
i get to
that i get to that i

get to choose how i feel how wyould i prefer to feel what would i prefer to feel what would i prefer tofele
andi know that the
feeling i missi is
is god is trugin life is saying yes thank you is saying ye sthank you
is knowing
life iw
is working out for me yes thank you

hwy am i here to feel the god self to feel the
god self to release the doubt to releaes the lookoiut
outside ofme i know its not out there it
never out there is
its right here is
its in the peace with the heere and now its in the peace
with the here nad now

why am i here to do the only work the focus
work do t
to do the work the focus work to focus
on how i want to feel to asmite
admit that this work towkr
works to do this work for me to do this
work for me

i’m here to do the only work to choose the feeling now to be aware of the choose i choose every
moment tevery time i choose that thought i make it ture
eery time i choose that thought i make it truat
i know ths i know this is this is fact i know this this is fact i knwo that
alife is always going my way i trust thei
this here and now
is the only feeling

expanding into thei mosmon is the only feeling expand expand to fill this moment

i’m here to focus
‘m here

to let it go i’m here to remember where to focus
here to remember where to focus
to remember where to focus im here to f
remember what is is the treasure
i am

is the treasure

i’m here to foucs to rmeember the focus to remembe
its not outside of me and whats happening doesnt affet m
me ic hoose how i feel i choose ow i feel and then it is
i choose

how i feel and then it is and im
so grteufl to get to remember that to have the time
and space to to have the

i’m here to remember everyting
that i know and ti know ths this work ehlps
this work is the only work this iwi
work is the only work and i
its on
only thing therere ever is i love that i now ths i
ilove that i now iam god that i cretated that
everything is alreyd perfect i love that
life is perfecti love that
i get to celerate
it i love that life is perfect i love
we get to celebrate it i love that i ge tto todro
that compltely i love

that nothing matters that only right now mattre
matters i nkow that
only right now matters and i am here and now
i know the truth i love hat i
ive let the go i love the feeling of letting it go i love
making the choice to not care ot know that god takes care
of me to say thank yoj my life
is perfect

the focus is all there is the focus
its’ mu up to em to crates
create it iit whatever i want

its whteve ri wnat i kno its whatever i want
tis whtaever iw ant its whatever i see whatever
i believe in and i know that and its a mattter
of the focus here and now and
chooseing the feeling and knowing my power choosing
the feeling and knowingmy powre
choosing the feeling and knowing my power nad its

its so m;uch ofr mor fun
to choose the version iprefer
the version ip refe i tis tis so much
more fuc to have the time and space
to focu on
focus on my power and use it
to focus on my power
and use it its so much more fun to use my power