and the best i can do the best
action i can take is just take care of how i feel
take care of how i feel choose how i feel
as a mindset
as a lifestyle
all of life is a feeling and rather than dwell on one action
i should dwell on how i want to feel choose how i want to feel about myself
and feel it and stand up to my thoughts trying to convince me otherwise
i know it’s only ever a feeling
and i can choose the feelin right now
and i can choose to stand up to my thougths
to the
the draiing ass thoughts that don’t serve a purpose
and i can let them go
i knowit’s
it’s a mindset
and i can refuse to feel bad i can
refuse to feel bad and only feel good
i can refuse to run it over and over in my mind
like it matters i can refuse
to beat up on myself
and just praise myself
i can choose to praise myself
i can choose to sing my praises to feel good about my life
and myself i can choose to love myself
every day every moment and refuse
to think negative thoughts
refuse to hold on to things
i can refuse to hold on to that
and just let it flow through me
it’s easy to turn the boat its easy to choose
how i want to feel and its easy
to stand up to negative emotion
i know that all that matters is
how i look at it
am i going to allow myself to hold on to
something that doesn’t even matter
am i goingt oa ll
to allow myself
to look for something wrong or something
right am i going to choose to love and feel good about
myself or am i going to choose to look for flaws
am i going to beat myself up
or celebrate life
and i going to remember the truth
or am i going to dwell in the false?
how long an i willing to dwell in the false?
until i start practicing looking for the truth?
how long am i willing to feel bad
before i decide to feel good and
i can always thank the contrast for helping me
its a pattern of thought
that is what makes everything else in life
a vibration and i have to chooe i have
i have to choose i have to choose
the vibration of me i choose how i feel about myself
make the choice to never feel bad to
not beat myself up i get to make the choice i
get to make the choice
i get to make the choice i get to make the choice
i get to make the choice
i just dont understand why i had it
and then lost it
i had the kowledge
i had something good going and lost it whyyyyy
but i can’t dwell on that
i can only focus on choosing the feeling
choosing the flow choosing the alingment
knowing that alignment is all there is
alignment is all there is
alignment is all there is
and holding on to things
worrying about things
feeling bad about it just keeps it here
in my reality
but really i can just let it go
i can just let it go and not
give it a second thought
that’s all i can do is make the choice
to feel good about myself and really ?
i can’t overcome negative thoughts from
something so insignificant?
choosing to blow something so small into something
so large, its obviously a choice
a choice to feel bad a choice to look for reasons to feel bad
rather that feel good and
forgetting that the more you look for reasons to feel bad
the more you find them and the worse you feel
but i know i can i really can make the choice
not to care and that is the owrk
more than anything else
that is the work that is the work that is the work
more than enything anything else
is making the choice how i’m going to feel i’ts
it’s making the choice how i’m going to feel about myself
and if i make a choice that i have second thoughts about later
i can say, ok i’m not going to make that choice next time because i didn’t like the results
and that’s it and that’s all and move it
it’s just that easy to
refuse to feel bad to refuse to feel bad about myself
and i know that is the only work
that’s all it is that’s all it is
that’s all it is
i know i can do it i know its a midset
mindset i know all of life is amind
a mindset
i know that i can set myself free by refusing
to feel bad about myself
by refusing to feel bad
if i make a choice
that i dont like how it turns out
i can simply learn from it
and not make the choice again
celebrate the knowledge and move on
i don’t have to dwell on it
i an turn
i can turn my focus and i know that is
my only work i know that my alignment
is my metabolism
my alignment is my metabolism
and i cana lways choose
to feel good about myself i know that is
the only work and that is the only choice
i can make
iss to
is to feel good now
and allow the rest to fllow
to feel good now and allow
the rest to follow.
i lift up my mind and heart
i lift yp my
up my mind and heart to be aware to understand
and to know that the divine presence
i am
is the source and substance of all my good
i know it’s all vibration i know it’s
it’s all vibration and i can change the vibration
i know it’s easy to do so
to feel how god would feel about it’s always so
easy to feel how god would feel about it and that is theo nly
the only work