i love that i can vow to have a good day
to let it all go t
it easy to let go to let go
of the holding on
of the needing things to occur
of wondering its easy to let go
wondering its eayt oce
to celebrate this day its eay
to eay
to wake up feeling good its easy to feel good
to feelt he ease and flow of life
flowing through me and its easy to mek
the choice that i know serves me
its easy to ask myself what i should do and hurea
hear myself answer
its easy to do this work and let go
its easy to
its my choic to feel good about this day
to let all the rest go and allowthe flow
to flow
its my choice
i love that i get to feel good
today i love that i get to let
the rest go i love
that iknow
nothingm atters i love that i get to feel
at ease in my life i love
that lief is fl+6
its easy to feel good and i feel
good now i feel themagick of lif flowing
through me and i feel conviden
confident about ath i feel
confident in the universe’s ability to provide i feel
confident in knowing that i
feel good nw i feel good now and iknow
i know my only job is to feel good i know
its easy to
not feel stressed i knowi n
i never havet o stress i can let ig all goo
i know its ey
to feel good
its eaiser easier than suffereing
and iknow
i know its easy to feel
good its easyt o let go
to release the struggle
i know i don’t have to struggle
i dn’t have
to gasp for air
gasp for lif i know life is flowing
easily through me i know
that all that matters is knowing
that i know it s
its easyt o let go and feel good
i know t
its easy to feel good its eay to feel
good its easy to feel the ease and flow of life
its easy to feelt he
its eayt to let go to know
not care its easyt o not care its easyt
to feel good its eay to fee lt
feelt he flow of life its easy to feel the flow
of life its easyt o feel good to feel good to
to feel goo dits
its up to me to allow the flow
to release my vibation
and allow whatever happens to
flow through me
its my choice to not care about theups and
downs of life and know that
god always has my bakc
i know my only work is
this simaran
simran is my only work
i love that i can feel good
now celebrate life right now
because all i need is nmrk
i know this
i know when i focus on the simran
i feel better because i am