life flows through me and
helps me remember i am already complete
today i intend to remember that i am already complete
and that i don’t have to add anything
to my existence to feel that way today i
intend to relax into life and feel the
energy that creates worlds flowing through me and
when i do that
the energy that creates worlds is flowing
through me and i know that feeling
i embrace the feeling of life
flowing through me i ambr
embrace the feeling of this here and now
being enough i know that iam
enough and i don’t have
to add anything
to ingest anything
to feel complete
because i already am i
have the energy that creates worlds flowing through me and that is
all i need
what was it??
that ‘made’
the prosperity plan work all those times
those times that it did ‘work’
because i devoted myself to that thought pattern
and made it a point to come bnac k
back to center to allow life
to reflect me i made it a point
to allow life to
reflect me
it came from
not ‘needing’ it to ‘work’
from not looking for the evidence only
looking toward god as lavish
and accepting that
simple fact and not needing
to add anyting
anything to my existence
for it to be true it
came from not needing proof because i already
know the truth
when you know the truth
it already is and you don’ t
and that is why it ‘works’
the focus
the devotion
the complete letting go
its not the mantra
its the devosion to
devotion to is
to it
and that’s what it means to
renounce your humanhood
i know that i am enough as i am
and life is enough as it is and it is
this knowing that ‘makes’the
the willing ness the willingness to
let go trust the flow and know that
god is lavish
and unfailing to know this
for a fact and forget the rest
all the rest and relax in this here and now
to know the magick of life
and expect it to know that it is alway s
always here
flowing i know the magick of life
and i expect it i expect it to flow and that is
all there is really
either you expect it or you don’t if
and if you don’t
you’re miserable
and think life
is against you and if you do trust the magick of life
then you are happy
and life ‘works’ out for you but you
don’t really care what happens and that is
letting go and letting god and that is how it works
it always works when i put my faith in spirit
i know that abundance is infinite i know that it
is infinite and nothing can stop it from flowing to me
i know who i am
i know who i am and that is god and i know
i am lavish
unfailing abundnace
i know that i am perfect as i
it feels good to do the work to
celebrate who i am !!!
to remember i am god in human form and
to remember that life is magick to
remember that whatever i choose
i see and remember that its just aht
its just that easy to say thank you
and know that it already is it
it feels good to
to go within
whenever i feel lke i
i need to add something
to who i am
to be whole
i go within and i find that i already am
that i am already everything and nothing is missing
from my life
it feels good to remember this to know
to send the signal to make the choice to send the
signal of it already being done and know
that is al i can
all i can ever do it feels
i love doing the work to remember who i am
i love that i know
the magick is in this here and now
it’s not then
that time in the
it’s here and now and i
am allowing the magick to flow
i love allowin th
the magick to flow and easily coming back to center i love that
i know who i am i love that i know who
i am i love that i know the flow i love
that i know the flow the feeling of
i love that i know the feeling of yes i love
the feeling of yes and i ove that i know the
the magick i love that ik now t
i know the magick of know
i l
i love hat
that i know the magick of
now i love that i know the magick of now i love
where i am int his
this here and
and now i love that i know i am
god in human form and when i remember this
i feel empowered to livethe
fulles version
of myself i feel inspred
inspired to allow my god self through
knoiwng th
knowing that nothing can hurt me
and that life can only reflect me
i send the signal of
and i love that i know this
i love that i know
it’s all very scientific
and i love that i know i can
my life knowing that
i am god and god is lavish
unfailing abundance
i know that i never have to worry
or wonder because i can always come back to
this truth
train myself back to these thoughts
and away from worry thoughts
that arent’ true
i lovethe
feeling of the magick and i love that
i get to choose the magick today
and i don’t have to b
be afraid to jumpo int
the magick
to let the rest go and ll
allow life to flow through me
to give up today i intend to give up and allow
life to flow through me
to find that knowledge in myself to
find that feeling in myself
that trust
that knowing
that focus
that determination
not to be a victim
to my thoughts
and i know that i am god
i know that i am god
and i am celebrating this
i am god
i am the creator of me and my
thoughts and expectatoins
create this
i love the power of me i love
the power of me and i love th power
of this here and now i love that i know
there is nothing else there’s
nothing else besides