to emit the divine frequency to be in that
vibration and it all comes back to perspective
it all comes back to perspective
to what i expect to what i’m looking for
it all comes back to what i am looking for and today
i am overjoyed to look for what i want to see
today i look forward to seeing
all the blessings in my life know that
blessings are everywhere.
i know i love the i know the divine frequency and i nkow how to milk it
i know i know how to look for amazing awesomeness
i know how to allow it in my life
i know how to
the way
i know how to get out of the eay
by getting out of the way i feel that
natural divine frequency
i love that life is good i love that
life loves me and i love that i now
i know that everything is already perfect
i love that i know
that everything is already perfect i love
that i know i love that
i know i love that i know
i love that i now i love that
i know i love
i love feeling the feeling i love
feeling the focus of life i love
feeling the feeling of divine frequency and knowing
this is my natural state i love
being brave enough to feel good
i’m brrave
brave enough to feel good i love that i
get to feel good that
i can relax into the knowledge that
i can feel good now
ii love that i nko the
i know the divine frequency i love
that i know i know the
the point to life is to feel this feeling
not becuse of what
things i have
but because i am
and as long as i am connected with
this amness
this natural state
then i will feel connected with life
i feel it now i feel the divine flow
the divine connection i know the divine connection
and i know this is all there is i love
that i get to choose
that knowing
i get to choose the vesion
the version its whatever i want
if he can do
if she can do it
i can do it
and i know it’s all just a feeling
i kno w
it dosn’t have anything
to do with anything
besides a feeling
the divine frequency
the channel of positive expectation
and that’s all life is so i
come here to tune myself to that frequency
to remember that it’s real
its not bullshit
like all of the uncoincscious
people i the world wnat me
to believe and i dont have
to fall victim
to their chosen
i love feeling free
i love feeling free
in my life i love feeling the flow
flowing through me i love
feeling good i love
feeling the
the flow i love feeling the
i love that i know
it’s always right here and i can
jump into it at any time
i can always return to the divine frequency
i can always return
i know its this easy and i know i am
the creator i know
it’s easy to choose i nkow
it’s easy to choose
i know it’s
easy to choose
so grateful to choose how i feel to know
its my right
its my super power to choose how i feel
i love that i get to choose to feel good
i love
that i get to choose to feel good i love
that i don’t have to care
i love that i get to chosoe the
choose the blessings i get to choose
the perspective the lens
i get
to choose to le
allow higher powers
to allow
the universe
the infinite intelligence
to carry me i love feeling odo
good elevated allowing the flow of life
the flow of life is
i love that the flow of life
is ccoursings
coursing through me i love that
that i get to choose how i feel that
i get to cchoose the
natural state
divine buzz i love that i know this
feeling i know exactly what it is
and i nkow i have
i have access
to this natural state at any moment
and that i can always
return to this natural state
regardless of circumstances
i love that i get to feel good now
get to feel good today
i love
the divine frequency
the pure vibration
basically a feeling
of joy
without resistance
letting go of the thought additction
the obsessiong with
thinking about things over and over and over
its a true addiction
and i know i don’t have to go
there i
never have to care i can always
return to center to the divine frequecy
i can always find a way to feel
grateful for teh life
the life i have and i can always fnid a
calm bliss in this moment
so grateful to know the truth of life
and know that no one can take it away
so grateful to love me and
feel completely comfortable and
happy right now
so grateful to feel good
to love myself to love this
divine omen
moment knowing its perfect
so grateful for the time and space
to return
to both feet int he
in the magickal door
so grateful to thank everything around me
knowing that
every single thing is perfectly perfect
so grateful i know this
and i nkow i never have to
change a thing
so grateful to choose love and peace
in this divine moment
so fr
to choose the divine buzx!!
so gratefult o feel energyzi
so gratefult o love
to love this right now
knowing that all outcomes are perfect
so gate
gratefult o know
to know that
everything is alwreay
charged up