but i don’t want to do it and that is
the totality
the mind doesn’t want to give it over totallly
because the mind thinks it knows the mind think
the mind thinks
the mind thinks it is in control
but i now that i know that totality means
always and always trusting and always knowing
i know what i need to do and that’s
give up totally give uptotally
totally and i know why i don’t want to do it
becuse i forgot
that i’m not the one doing anything
and the life is flowing through me
i’m not the one
making it happen
and the thing i need to do that i don ‘twant
to is total surrender
total trust
total return to love
i also know its the easiest thing i can
do and i can do it righ tow
right now i can release and i
i can release
i can do it i can do the one thing and that’s
i am totality i am
totality i am
totality and i love the feeling
the feeling of freedom that comes with toality
totality i love that i love that i love
that i dn’t have to wonder or think about it
just dive in just let go of control andi know that
i know its that easy and i knkow that this
work shleps me
helps me do it
helps me see it and helps me let go totally
i know what i need to do
i know the feeling i know the feeling
i’m tuning to i know the feeling i’m
tuning to and its the feeling of totality
and that totality occurs in each moment it occurs
in the moment of making peace
so grateful for truth
so grateful for answers
so grateful the truth and answers keep flowing
so grateful to practice to practice
the truth the knowing the letting go
to allow the answerts to
answers to keep flowing so grateful
so gratefulso grateful to
to allow the flow to keep flowing to allow
the flow to keep flowing to allow the
flow to keep flowing to allow the
to allow the flow to keep flowing to allow
the flow to keep flowing to allow the floe
to keep flowing
to allow the flow to
the one thing and its the
only thing and its th
the hardest
and the easiest i love tht i know
that i know that life
i love that i know this
is my work this is the only work
and the only
isn’t even work because its a flip of
a switch
it’s not work to turn a light switch on
you don’t take a journey
you dont spend years learning how
you just flip it
a toddler could it
an infant could do it
and its’ th
it’s the only thing to do is
flip the switch and its always so easy
to vlip the
fliip th
flip the switch
do the one thing
i don’t want to do but know it’s
all there is its all there
all there ever is i love that i
get to do it i love that i can
train my vibrtion and its easy
to practice its easy
to practice its easy to
practice its easy to practice feeling how i want
to feel looking for what i want to see
seeing what i want to see knowing
its right in front of me
totality is keeping my mind
and thoughts off this world
and speaking the universal language
giving it over totality to god and remembering
how to trust what i hear
trust in god means trusting what i hear
and in order to hear those messages
i must clear the mind
of the distractions of thoughts
running around
trying to control
trying to plan
trying to predict outcomes
and i can just let go of all of that
and remember my power is in not
looking at it
at allowing it
it’s the only thing that
ever ‘works’
flipping the switch
giving up completely
giving up completely
giving up ompletely
i keep my mind and thoughts
off this world and place my entire focus
on the god within
as the only cause of my prosperity
i acknowledge the inner presence as
the only activity in my financial affairs
as the substance of all things visible.
i place my faith in the principle of abundance
in action within me
in action within me
feeling how i want to feel
the feeling leads to the outcomes
so am i going to feel how i odnt want to?
or am i going to be brave
and strong enough to choose what i prefer
and i know this is my power and i know that
i can relax totally in the moment
i release all resistance
and i relax totally into the god self in this here
and now knowing that everything
is always
unfolding perfectly for me
perfectly through me and i get out of the way
i love that its
the switch
right now i flip the switch
right now i flip the switch
right now i flip the switch
i flip the switch
i flip the switch
and it’s just that easy
here and now is all there is
and today i
devote myself fully to trusting the guidance
of god of source energy
i give myself over fully to that
and listen to what it says
i flip the switch
and its just that easy
i let it all go and i choose to feel the
feeling i want to feel i choose to feel the feeling
i want to feel i choose
to feel how i want to feel and i
practice that version and i know
that is my power that is my power
that is my power
i know that is my power
the totality of feeling the
totality of feeling and it’s up
to me to choose in
every moment
choose in every moment
choose in
every moment and as long as i’m
choosing the feeling that is my world
that is my life
whatever version i’m choosing that is my
reality so i am devoted to choosing the
version i prefer