i knwo me and i’ve been here before
i now i k
i know its in or it s out
its with god or not and i can ds
see that the inside r
is refelcted by the outside and i see that
i knwo that what i give live what
how i go through life is what i see ou
on the outside i knwo that the energy
i give life is the enegy i see reflected
i kknow me i know that hwen i see it it
in my minds eye it is in knwo that and i nkow its the only cpr
principle i need to stick to i nkow this
i knwo the power of me i know the feeling of me
i now the one and only truth of life
and that is this work and i know this
wrok ahs me
been missing i know that i nkow th
the in and out of life i trust the ina na donlly
otu flife and i kno that i can
awlays come back to bme
i knwo that is been im afraid of sucking by
but i knwo i can
always psh
throught aht i knwot hat life helpsme push through that
i knwot hat life is always inand out
i nwo that life is always
breath in and out and i can w
i accept that
it’s the feeling and i knwo that its the
expectation and i know hat is what i look for and i knwo that
its what i loof for and i knwo that its
what i feel for and i knwot hat its what i feel taowr
towards its what i feel towrads
and i knwo that is me feel the felegin
firsret n
i knwo this is true
nothing has changed i but i knwo i see the i
i see the affects of the practicce
and then the lack thereof
i knwo i kwo that the real
issue is i knwo that ti th
the feeling of god is missing and thats theonly
thing that ever changes
and i nkwo this is fact ch
feel it fist and the r
rest follows and i nkwo this is life
i nkwo this is life
i knwo the power of the foc
focus an i now tis up to m e tofeel it i nwo tis up to me to feel it
i knwo
i knwo what i am i knwo what i am
i dont have any dousbts
doubts about what i am
i now thw at what i am i now the
power of me of the focus and this work helps me
focus i sitt down here nd
and i focus in the right direction
and then i feel it i start to feel it morea nd remem b
more and i rememberr how to do it u
instead of this just thining about it i take
the reights yes i nkwo
only ever in the mind in the expectaito i know that its
in the expectaiton i knwo that its what i look for i know that i have to
change my perspectivien i nwo that its up to me i know that its
up to me i now that is
its always fa
af feleing
its always what i lookf or and i nkwo this
i know this through life expectiend
and this is m
just my now
new projct i nkow that tis what i look for i kwo that its hat i look for
what i allow for myself and i nkwo i can allwy
i knwo the poweer of me and i stick to it
i nkow is
i know its it i know its me i nkwo tis me
tis all in the mind i nwo its and in
on or and off i nkwo its and on or and off and i nkow i can do
it i kow i can keep choosing on
i nko that i can keep chossoign
on the bus and that’s all ic an co
do i know the powro fm e i nkwo tis all me
i knwo tis all me
i nkkow i get to feel it now i i kno its
get to feel it now i knwo that i feel it and
then it is ai know that tis
so easey to feel it now i know that
its so esy to feel good i i knwo its so
easy to feel good to feel the flow
to feel gods love to turn on gods love and allow
it to fe
fill me and i know that tsh the only feeling is so
eayt o catch myself and stotp
its easy to stop adn i nwo thtis
i kwnot hati
i get to celerate ti it now i get to feel the
contrast of life i get to feel the ina dn out
the out i get to feel good i lov
i get to feel good i get to
fell the feeling of me
i get to celebrate nwoins gnad that’s what this or is
i knwot hat is me i nkow that i can et
get away from myself
but im always here t
the feeling of god is always here and tha’s all i need
the feeling of god is always here and that’s all i nedd
the feeling of god is lways here and tha’ts all i need
i knwo i can do it i can love myself my god self
i can say thank you i acn e
i can sta
say thank you for this beautiful life
i knwo i cna do is i knwo ti can felip the swithc
and i knwo tis all the feling
feeling i knwo the feeling comes first and the rest follows
the feeling comes fist and the
resrt follows