i knwo the power of me and i now the power

of the practi e i know the power of the practice
i knwo the oen ando nly truth
and all that matters is sticking clse

close to god close to the one and only truth f
close to the feeling it has to do with feeling

love yourself accept yourself
and dont create any problems

love yourself accept yourself and dont create any problems

i now the poer of me and i can practice it i

i love felingg
feeling goof i l
good i love waking up feeling good

i love feeling good i love making the choice to feel good i know
i know that its always easier to make the choice
to feel good i knwo that ia lways preer to feel good i nkow that

ic an always trace the mood bck to the sour e
i can always tras

the o
mood back tot he source i love feli
feeling good i ove feeling good i lwao

i knwo the poewr of me
i love waking up feeling the powr of me i loe that i now i can
do it i can

it little by little ican choose
to feel the

i know its me i know its a practic eof thinking
a practice of thi

of feeling i know its only ever the feeling work
i know tis only ever the feelig work and all ic an

do is be ware of how i feel of what i think
of what i expect i nkow

i nkow i m seeing the effects of the practice i know

who i am i know i am lovabel i know i am loved i now i
i know i can do it
i know i can do it ic an celebrate my life i can allow it
to be good i can

allow myself to grow i cn

allow myself to grow i can do thei work i can

believe in myself i can feel the feeling of
believing in myself
and know thats all i ca

have to o

i kow tis me i
any time i feel that way i can trun t
and with practic ei feel the other so
side of it i kno i can i now

i know i

so grateuflt o remember to
the power of me the powre of how i feel the
poewr of
how i feel the power of how i feel the power of

how i feel hte power of how
i feel graetful

to get to be aware of how i waf
i feel to allow myself to

decide nwo dei

decide now take aever
every change to feel toog ot look
for what i want to see
to feel for whta i want to feel

mak the choce now for what i want
make the hcoic enow
for waht i want and only i can decide

what i want her and now make the choice
do the work here and now

the focus the focus the only effort is awareness
the only

effort is awreness and i know this the only every i
effort is awareness and i nkow this

choose the power of me use it as a chance to do the work
to feel how i want to feel to choose how iw atn to feel
and allow ti toc ome to me

ust it as away to usee
see the magic to lookf or waht i want tos ee to

to know it then see it
to know it then see it

to focus

awareness is the only effrot aths all ti is
the same as afitness how much am i giving to it
what am i giving to it ahts all the is whta im am ig iving to it

thats whta ima getting

the only effort
is awaerenss

the only effort is