i love feeling better

i love remembering who ia m that life
only refelcts me that i love

the ease and flow of life i love that i can
let go i love that i
can refuse to suffer today i can refuse to suffer

i cn fin
can find my focus i can find my zen i can
find my place of not caring

i love feeling beter i love noth thinking about it
i love who i m

i love who ia m right now i loe the
feeling of not ccaring i love

the feeling of knwoing

i love knowing i never have to limit the unlmited
i love allowing the magick of life i love making the choice
not to care i love that its

easy not to ccare i love that its

tis esay to feel beter

i knwo its there i know my true self
is right here i know i my true self is always right here
and i can always commune with her

i remember the power of me i remember the
focus of me the feeling of me the

of refusing to go down that path
of ruf

refusing to ccreate

create the version i don want
of making the version i prefer
and knowing its always right there

i love that i feel better i ove
that i feel better i love that i get to choose
i love

that i get to refuse to suffer
i love the

the apce and time
to remember who i am what i am
so grateufl i get to choose
get to remember who and what i am

that im not so small
as to need something from

someone else

i am the one and only creator of me an di accept that
i celebrate that

i ceelbr

ccelebrat feeling good i ceelbrate
feeling better and i say yes thank you i asy yes thank you

i feel beter and i get to e me
i feel

better and i feel the real me i feel the power of me
i feel the power of me i feel

the poweer

i feel the power of me i feel
the pfower

the power of em i feel the power of me
i feel the
i feel the power of me i feel the

poer of m

i love that i feel better i love that i nwo its
it will never be enough that’s not me

that’s not me and no matter what i get it
wont be enouhg i ch

have to choose it for me i have to fu
find god and then god is in everything

i found god and god is ine verything
it feels good

to let go of the tim’
limited self

i limited the unlimied
no more!

no more limiting the unlimited
no more

giving away my power

more giving away my power

i love that iam aware i loe that i know i love
taht i now who and what i am

what feels good i know that the
feeling is eek is not
outide of me i know that the feeling i seek

is not outside of me

the feeling i seek is not outside of me

i love hat that i dont care
i love
feeling the feeling of not caring i lovehtat
i can

always trust the here and now i can bbe heppy

happy no i can celebrate tehd ay
ere and now i can feel good here and now

get to
feel better i get to remember who and what i am

i get to remembber who and what i am
who and what i am

and what i am who and whoa

so grateful to feel better
to ffeel my true self to feel the

real self and know that nothing outside of me
is real nothing outside of the feeling
that god would feel is real
and the only thing ever

missing is go
communion with god seeing it how god sees it
i can only ever see it how

god sees it and im so
happy to get to feel g

i love that i dont havve to ccar
i loe that i don

dont have to think about it i loe th
that i dont have to ccare i loe

that i dont have to care i love that ti

i truly dont care i loe that i
turly done

truly dont care

i love that i dont care
and that’s the only feeling i love that

dont have to care i ilove that
i am ware i alo

i love that i am ware

i love that i am w
aware i love that ia m aware i love that
i am aware i love

that i am aware and that i
meditation is who i am
not somehting i do

releasing all of it
is who i am

releasing all of it is
who i am

remembering it doesnt matter
is who i am