i love feeling good

i love celebrating life i love that i get to make
the choice right now to feel good
i love that i don’t have to care about anyone
or anything else i can simply choose to feel good now
i get to choose to feel good now and allow
the wealth of life to flow
through me i love that i don’ thave to care and i know
that the feeling of celebrating life is all that matters
i love that i get t

i feel good now i love this day i love
that thewife is in a good mood i love that it inspires me
i love that i get to make the choice to feel good too
and it feels good to feel good i love that i get to make
the choice to feel how i want to feel i love

that i get to

make the choice for how i want to feel i love
that this is our day i love that its our special day i love
that all our wishes are coming true i love
that all my wishes are coming true i love

i love that i get to feel good i love
that i get to feel the flow of life flowing through me i love
that i get to

go to moutain top i love
that i don’t havet o care i love
that i get to do me i lve that
i love that i get to do me
i love that

i get to feel good now i get to
feel the feeling get to celebrate life
i love that i get to celebrate life i love
that i get to allow life to flow through me
easily and effortlessly i love
that i don’t have to believe in lack
i love that i can allow the feeling to come
i lovthat i know

when i ask it is given i love that the
feeling always there i love that the
feeling is always there

i love coffee i love
feeling inspired i love the
feeling of the focus i love
the power of the focus i know
when i think about
i bring about i know what i think about
i bring about
i love

that i get to choose where i place
my attention i love that i kno w
attention creates
i love that i know
attention creates

i love that i get to choose the
version i create i love that the work
always works i love tat its
its easy to tune my signal i love that i know
everything is the signal
everything is reflecting how i feel i love
that i getto fe

to feel at ease and know that
life is flowing

perfectly throughme i love
that i get to feel good now i love
that i get to celebrate life i love
that i get to celebrate this day i love
that all my wishes are coming true i love
that i get to send th siganl
the signal of yes i love
that i t

it just doesn’t matter i love
that the work always works i love
that the work always works i love
that i get to do me i love that i get to
to me i love
the ins and outs of life i love

that i get ot

i love doing the work i love
raising my vibration and i love
that i know i love that i know its only
me i love that the work always worsk i love
that i an al

can always get in the vortex and then
i love that i can let everything go and just enjoy life
i love mountain top

i love that i know all that
matters in life is how i look at it i love
that i get to enjoy this day i love
that i can allow god
to work through me in the way
he sees fit i love
that i get to allow
life to flow through me i love
that i get to allow life to


i am allowing life to flow to
me i love that this work always works and iknow that
how i feel is all that mattes i know

i know

that god loves me and wants the best for me
i know that god is constantly working thorugh me
and that all my wishes are constantly coming true

i love that its easy to
raise my vibration to practice feeling how i want to feel i love
that its easy to feel the feeling
i want to feel to send the signal of yes

i lovethat

that i feel wealthy

i love that the flow always knows i love that
the flow always knows i love that the flow
always knows

i feel wealthy
and i love that that’s all i have to do

s feel good i love that it comes
to me i love that i get to just look

i feel good i feel good i feel good
i feel good i feel good

i feel wealthy i feel good i feel good
and it feels god to feel good

i love that ikno i

i know i am god i love that i know
i am god i love that iknow i am god i love
that i get to feel the feeling of god
flowing through me i love
that i get to feel good now i love that i
get to feel goodnow i love
that i feel wealthy

i love that i feel good i love
that today is the best day i love
that all that matters is the flow
is this work i love that ikno wall

all that matters is the work
is how i feel iknow that
life reflects me and the
signal i send and i know that is
all ther eis to life

i know that is all there is to life