I love feeling good!

i love that i get to choose to know i love
that i don’t care i love how far i’ve come i ilove that
i love that the owrk alway the work always works

i love that i get to feel good!
i love that it feels good to feel
good andk nowing that

knowing that it feels good to feel good and all i can ever
do is feel good i love that iknow i no
i know that all i can ever do is feel good i love

all i can ever do is feel good
i love where i am right now i love

feeling good about what is
and good about what is to come i love

that i am a money magnet i love the
better it gets i love the
better it gets i love the
better it gets i love that i get to feel good about that
i love that i
get to feel good about that
i love that
i get to feel good about


i love that i get to choose how i want to feel
about that and i choose to feel good!!

i love that i get to choose to
feel good about that i love
that i get to choose to feel good about that i love
where i amr gith
right now i love
feeling good i love

knowing i love that the
feeling of knowing this

is there
i love

i feel good i feel good i feel genuinely good
i feel good about who i am where i am
what i am
i feel knowing i feel

knowing that i am god
that whatever is is

i love that i get to feel good in my life

in this
here and now i love that
i get to feel good in my life

in this here and now

thank yo ufor thank you
for this here andn ow
and now
for a rest day for a day to do nothing

a day that was forced upon me
and i feel revitalized now i feel good in
this here and now

i love that i feel good i feel the
feeling of loving myself
and that feels good i feel

happy with who i am
with where i am with the version of
that i am creating i love that
i get to keep

it i love that i get to keep

i love my clients
i love that i have awesome
clients i love

that client work is fun
and enlivening
i love loving my clients i love
loving my life
i love looking for solutions
i love

knowing that everything
is a solution

i love getting orders!!

i love that the school is thriving i love
the better it gets i love

the better it gets i love that the
school is thriving i love that i know it’s
all a feeling i know that life is a feeling

and i love remembering that
i love feeling good in this here and now i kno

i love that i know i love that i know i

everything is always taken care of for me i love that
i’m taken care of i love that

i love the better it gets i love that
i just get to look for what i want to

to see i get to look for what i want to see i
get to feel the feeling of it and crateir

create it i love that i get to create


i love the feeling of the focus
i love that i get to say thank you i love
that i know i ‘deserve’ it

but really ‘m a i’m a match to it
to the god self to the flow of well being that is always flowing
the flow of

well being that is always flowing the
flow of well being that is always flowing the
flow that is always flowing

i feel the feeling i

i feel elevated i feel elevated i feel
the choicet o feel
to feel good in my life to celebrate life
to allow

my best self
to allow my best self

i am allowing my best self i al

am allowing the flow to flow throu to flow through me
i fwe

i feel the god force i know the god force
i love that i get to choose and then that’s how
it is i love that i get to

to choose and


that’s how it is i love i love feeling good i love
that life is good i love feeling the flow
flowing through me i love
where i am right now i love

that i know i love that
i know

i love feeling good i love wanting to do the work
i love remembering who i am i love remembering who i am
i love remembering

that it’s only ever me
i love that i know it’s only ever me
it’s only
ever me i get to choose the feeling now
i get to enjoy life
now and then

what is a match to that will come
i know this i know i know
i am the one and only creator i love

that i
get to make thechoice i love that
i get to make the choice i love
that i get to feel the feeling i

get to choose the focus i get to choose
the solution i

never have to try

just know just know just
know that whatever happens is in my favor
i love doing the work this work
the only work

and rmember
remembering who i am
remembering the power of the focus

i love feeling good about life
i love celebrating life i love feeling the
power of the focus the effects of the work

i love relaxing into the knowledge i love
that i know and i can just
the feeling
i canalways

i can keep milking the feeling i love
doing this work and rmeember

remembering who i am i love
remembering the truth

of who i am and i love
doing the magick work
to fully enjoy life!