i love that i get to wake up feeling good i love
that i get to enjoy my life i love that my life is so good i love
that life loves me i love that i get to enjoy my life
i love that i get to feel that cool breeze i love that
i get to wake up feeling good
i love sleeping with the windows open
and not drowning in sweat
i love that everything happens in the flow
that the tao does nothing and
leaves nothing left undone i love that
there is always more good to feel i love that
there is no end to how i good i can feel
i love that i’ve let that go and it was easy
i love that i realized she did her best i love that
i know i love that there is so much to love i love that
i get to choose to love i love that i
get to love this day i love that i know
this day loves me !
i get to enjoy this day i love that
i’m always getting what i want i love that i can always
control my control my assumptions i love that i get to choose
the life i prefer i lo
so grateful for orders so grateful for jobs so grateful for
a job that’s going to pay for our trip
so grateful to know that i’ll one day catch a wind and work on it
i love that i get to choose teh
feeling now
i love the power of me the power of my imagination
the power of me and i come here to remember the power of me
the powerful creations of me
the powerful
of me i love that i get to choose i love that i
get to choose i love htat
i get to align with the feeling of alignment
with the feeling of love i love that i get to
choose the feeling of love and the rest follows
i get to enjoy the day and i get to choose teh
energy of the day i get
today i get to be teh tao
today is my vacation
today is my reitrement
is a celebration of me
so grateful for this warm air
for this summer air
for a wife who loves me for a kitty who loves me
for friends who love me
so grateful we did our work and we’re doing our best i know that
we’re always doing our best
grateful we made progresson the cover gratfeful
we know its going to be a hit!
grateful for the focus
grateful for the focus
to bring it in to bring the focus to center
grateful to feel this feeling the feeling of life
celebrating me i know that life
celebrates me i know that
life celebrates me
i know that life celebrates me
i know that i am god and life celebrates me
i get to just enjoy this day enjoy this moment
because everyting i want is flowing to me i love that
i know ths i love that i love that
i know that
everything is always flowing to me
there’s nothing missing besides god
besides presnece and i love that i know this
feeling this feeling of expansion that i can always expand and expand
to feel the space because i am the space
i know that i can release pretty
petty worries me
ego identified stuff
and just flow with god just flow
with the energy of god
and never have to let my mind touch any of it
and i love that that is the fun part of life
that you get to feel the feeling
and don’t have to let it go
it may leave but its always there
it my hide
it may haide
but its always there
god is always here god is always me
and i know this i am
the one only creator i know that i am
the one and only crator
creator and i love that ig et to love i love that i get to love
that i am one who loves
i love waking up feeling good
i love getting to have a normal day
i love our neighborhood and how we know everyone
i love it here in CLE
if we had 2 baathrooms, a huge kitchen and bigger workspacce
it would be perfect!!
how can we make that happen
oh well its not up to me!!
i love feelig the energy of the day
i love
feeling the energy of me i love the
feeling the satisfaction
of the present i love that i know the
satisfaction is the drug
and i can feel it here and now i love that
i get to use my power as the drug
i love that i get to use my knkowledge
as the drug
get to feel charged up my
by life and i love that i get to
andl ife loves that its
it gets to
live through me
life love that it gets to
live through me
flow through me
be me
experience life through me
and i love that it loves that it
gets to i love that
i glo
i love that ig et to enjoy the day
embrace the day celebrate the day i love that
i get to jump i n
i’m here i’m tuning and it works
to remember who and what i am to celebrate
who and what i am
to know that i get to choose my assumptoins that
i get to choose how i feel
how i celebrate life an di love
i love that i get to i love that
i get to
choose enthusiasm
lust for life
loving life and that is the only work
that’s all i can do
today i am celebrating today im
feeling that feeling of yes and it
doesent mev
even matter what follos