i love it when class is fun

i love enjoying life i love this focus
i love this feeling i love chossing ti i love that it alreayd is i love

that i now that
that all i can do is feel it first all i
n do isf
feel it first and allow life to follow i love that ige
get to cchoose to feel it first

the substancce of sprit
is my supply i now this

the substance of spirit si

is my supply and im gratefult o be here feeling
ti allowing it to flow

through me doing the work to focus
and release resistancce
and allow life to flow through me

to say yes to everything that is
to be brave enough to say yes to everything that is

i love that i dont have to care
i love tha its so easy tnot
to care i love its my power not to care i love that i now my power

i love theat i know the power of no reacting becaue i now
there’s only one power i kno here

ther’s only one power i kno

i know there’s only one power and i nkw life
helps me see that i now that

god made this moment perfectly i loe thepowre of e
me i love thep owre of the focus i love t
aht i get to feel good i love that i now that

the only goal is to feel good theonly
goal is to feel how fog
god feels and ther est
rest is already perfect

i love that there’s always more than enough i love
that i

life is good i love that i get to feel the way god
feels i love that
i know this substance is my supply

my proximity to god is my supply my
awareness is my supply
i nkwo that ia m

always in the right palce at the right time
i know that what is ahppening right now is perfect
i nkow that

i know that god is always taking me in
the right direction
i know the only effort is awarenes

the only effort is awareens i love that i kno this i love

i love the feelig of winnig i love aht ati know it already is i loe that
tis already is i love that i ge tot d

do the work of refuseing to feel anything else i love that
its reald i love that i get to decide i love
that it is i love that its

awarenss is the only effort

there’s only one power and i now this
there’s only one power and i now this
i love that


already paid i love that
there’s only one power i now that eh
the source is the feeling within
the source is the feeling
within the source is consciousness
the sourcce is consciusness

my consciousness of the presence of god
within me is my supply

my consciousnes of the preesnce of god

within me is my supply
i love hat i now thsi

i love that i now the the feeling i love that
i can allow it i love that i can
get toout of the eay

i can relae the self i can release the mind
i can

refuse every thought i can refuse every thought i can
refuse every thought and
feel the god sefl

i know that my proximity to go di smy suply
and the ore
the more i feel god i feel the god self m
the more i feel th
the feeling of complte trust that is my suppoy

there is only one power and all i can do is
feel for what god feels and god feels its

perfect god feels perfection god knows life
is perfect i know

i now i can do i can feel for what
how i wan to feel and then it is i now that is the secret to

life i love the better it gets i love that
tis a good day i love that we’re doing it i love
that e

we get to feel good i love that gwe
we get to enjoy that day i
the day i love that i nkow life is perfect hw it is

i know that tthe the sorucce
to my security is within i now that my security is

within i know that god loves me i now that
eveything is
in my favor i know that all of if e
life is in my favor i

let go competle i lovet go comlet eand just
feel good i feel how iw atn to fel i want to feel


i want to feel releived that its al take cn care of and i knwo that i get it love that i get o

through my consciousness of my god self
i draw into my mind and feeling nature
the very substance of spirit

this substance is my supply
thus my consciousness of the presence of god
within me is my supply

who am i
am i and i nkow the anser i now the ansewr i

i know i get to choose i know i get to
choose abundnce i know i get to choose abundace
i ca
get to feel it now i no
dont need anything just feel it now and it is
feel it now and it is i love that
i know the

this i love that i now the powre of me i love
taht i know the power of ethe
the focus i love tha ti get to

do it in the air i love that i get to use the magic
i love tha ti now thee snot

no other way i lvoe taht i now that its already done

i love that i now tis always flowing as
long as i allow it i
as long as i allow iit i know that life is flowing throu

to and through me