i love myself

i love myself i love myself i love
myself i love myself i love myself
and i can feel good about life
its just a choice

so i elebrate

elevate my mood
and my vibration

and i allow myself
to feel better i allow
myself to feel better i allow myself
to feel better to feel the flow
to feel the magick
of life and its easy to just let go

and let it flow its easy
to l
love myself

its easy to love myself it

easy to love myself to feel good
in this here andnow to

to eleate my mind

to a

i feel good now and ia m
allowing the flow to flow
through me i am allowing the
flow to feel good

within me and its easy

its easy

to feel good

its easy to feel good

to feel good

int this here and now

is all that matters
and i allow mself

to feel good now and its easy
to feel good now its ahppens


just like that

it feels good to feel good
int his

here and now to feel

i love that i know life is
easy tna dit

and it can only reflect the signal
i send

and its eayt o feel good
and at ease in my life

i feel good in my life and i am
brave enough to feel good in my life

celebrate life

its fun to celebrate life and i
feel good i’m

happy to enjoy this day!