and i don’t care if you don’t!!

i don’t care if you don’t because
i am working me i am working on loving myself and
when i can be inthe vor

the vortex with you i will be but until then i have to focus on
me doing the things that feel good to me i realize that
i hateyou b

you because you basically through away my life swork

and that’s pretty hard to get over
and the lack of empathy is astounding

but i love that i don’t have
to care every time i think about hating you

i can think about loving myself i love
that i don’t have to care i love that i can move on i love
that i can move on i love that i
get to

to move on i love that don’t have to care i love

i love that i get to make the choicet o
to love myself and

feel good in this day celebrate this day i love
that i can let that go i love that i
can let that go

i’m not going to let people’s ignorance

i refuse to suffer i
refuse to care

i refuse to suffer i refuse to care

i love that i know i love
taht i found the secret to life
and an i can relax in the knowlege
that the activity of

divine abundance is
forever o

operating in my life

i love waking up i love
doing the wor


allowing myself to do the real work to af
to address the energy

the emotions

address the energy the emotions
and just let go not that
their ignorance

ruin my life

and i love that i don’t hav
have to care i love waking up in t he here and
here and now i love doing the work
to love

i love doing the work
to lov emsyel

love myself i love

that i am

doing me and tha’ts a
that’s all i can ever do i love that
i know this i love doing this work

raising my vibration and knowing
that it’s only

ever me i lov that i can
i can always remember that i rem

i know th




i love that i don’t have to care and i
don’t have to let the people i despise

them ost

the most dominate my
thought patterns

i hate that i think about it so much
and that i can’t get over it and it’s like

holding me down and that is such bullshit

i’m not going to let you hold me down ONE MORE MINUTE

i love that i don’t have to care
i love that i don’th ave

have to care that i get to just ofcus on

focus on enjoying my life and i love that
this work always works i lov that

that this work helps me let go

and not

not care i don’t have to
care about your dumb ass being dumb

and i love that i cna
what i know is right in my

right for me and what is right now

for me
is to not
talk to you


i love that i get to feel good today
i love
that i’m letting that go i love that i
am releaseing

releasing that energy of


that holds me back i love that
i can let it go completely

wish you the best and move on with
my life i focus on what lifts me up
and helps me feel good i focus on

feeling good and i let the rest go i love
taht ‘m

i’m doing it i
i’m doing the work and i want to
feel good i ‘m goind

going the work and i want to feel good!!!

i want to feel good so i do things
that make me feel good id o

i do things that make me feel good

i love enjoyihng lif ei love

i love feeling good in my life and knowing
that no one can stop me i love
feeling good in my life and knowing that

no one can stop me i love that i
get to feel good about mysel fi love

i ove
i love that i get to celebrate life i love
taht i can

i can alwaysa work s
work through it i love that i can alays

always feel easy about it
and tha’t s

tha’t sh

that’s how i ‘win’
is i make the hcoice
the choice to feel good

to enjoy life anyway

i love allowing

myself to
go there

and tenjy

enjoy lie toda

today i enjoy life and i am allowing life
to flow through me i enjoy

life and i am allowing life to flow through me