i love myself and it feels good

to love myslf

i love that i don’t have to care i love
that i get to celebrate life i love

i love the feeling of breaking
free i love the feeling of doing me i love that i
am always getting what i want i love
that i get to always make the choice

i love making the choice that i know is
right for me

i love doing the work i love the

i love feeling good i love
making the choice to feel good i love
making the choice to feel good
i love

making the choice to feel good i love
doing me i love doing me i love
letting go i love letting go and that
i don’t have to care i love that
the universe is

giving a gift

i love that i have
better things to focus on i love that

i love doing the work i love
feeling the magick of life i love that i get to
feel themagick of life

flowing through me i love
taht i know

i love that i get to make the choice

to feel good i love that i get to make
the choice to feel good i love that i ge tto make
the choice to feel

i love dthat

that i don’t have to care i love
that i don’t have to care i love
that i get to do the work i love that i
get to do the work i love

that i get ot make the choice
i love that i get to make the choice
i love that i get tomake
the choice how i see the world i love

that life is always giving me the
chance to follow
my bliss i love following my bliss

i love following my bliss

i love that i can simply
let go i love that i can simply
let go i love that i get to let to i love
i love that i get to love i love
that i get to love

i love that i ge tot m

to do me i love that
i don’t hve to care
i love that life is always working out
in my favor

i love that i don’t have to care i love
that i don’ thave to

to reply i love that i
don’t have to reply i love that

don’t havet o

to reply i love that i odn’ thave
to care i love that i don ‘th

have to care

i love that i get to chose
where i put my focus i love tha i
get to smile because i know life is good

i love that i get to smile

becuase i know life is good i love

that i get to smile because life
is good i lve that i know i love that i know
i love that i know i love that i know i love
that iknow life lovs me i l

love that i get to make the choice
i love that i get to make
the chocie i love that i get to make the choice
i love that i get

get to choose how i feel i
get to choose how i feel
i get to
choose how i feel i get to choose how i feel
i get to choose how i feel

i love that i
get to make the choice i love that
i get to make the choice
to do me i love that i

get to make the choice to feel
free i love that i get to
make the choice to feel free i love
that i get to make the choice

to feel free i love that i am
conscious i love that
i am awake

i love that i know life loves me i love
that i know life loves me i love

i love feeling good i love
feeling good i love

feeling good i love that i get to make
the choice i love that i
get to make the choice i love that
i get to make the choice

i love that i get to choose wher ei

where i focus my energy
i love that i get to choose where i focus
my energy

i love letting
feeling the flow i love
letting go

feeling the flow i love

i love feeling
the flow i love
letting go i love feeling
the felow

flow i love

letting go i love feeling the flow i love
feeling the flow i love
feeling the flow i love feeling the flow i love

feeling the flow i love
where i am right now i love

i love that life
always works out for the best i love
that i get ot choose to feel good

to feel the pwer of
god flowing through me
i love

that i get to feel one with god
i love making the choice

i love making the choice i love
making the choice

i love only i get to choose how i feel
i love that i feel good i love
that i feel empowered i love that i feel

i love doing me i love letting go i love
that i can let go i love that i can let
go i love that i can let go i love that

i can let go i love that i can let go

i love that i don’t have to care

i love that i’ve let that go i love
that i’ve let that go i love that i’ve let that
go i love

that i’ve let that go i love
that i’ve

i love that i don’t have to care i love
that i don’t have to care i love
that i don’t have to care

i love that
i don’t have to care

i love that life
is always working out for me i love
that life
is always working out for me and i get to
let that go

i love that i don’t have to care and i get to
focus on me