i love that all my wishes are coming true

i love that i don’t have to care
i love that i get to choose wht i care about
and what i ceate more of i love
that it only affects me and i get to choose

i lift up my mind and heart to be aware to understand and
to know that the divine presence i am is the source and substance of all my good

i’m so happy to see what i want to see
to look for what i want to see to feel good to
wake up feeling good and make the choice to kee feeling
good i love doing me i love making the time to do me

taking the tie to do me i love that i know i am
the creator of time i love
that i know i am the creator of me i love
the better it ges i love
i love the better it gets i love
the better it gets

i love that its working i ilove that its working
i love that i don’t have to care i love that i get to
feel the feeling right now i love
that life is flowing perfectly through me
i love that life is flowing perfectly through me i love
that i get to choose life in this right now i love
that i get to choose
to celebrate life in this right now i love that life

i love that i don’t have to care i love
that i don’t have to pay attention to what i don’t want i love
that i get to create what i want i love that
this life is forme t

me to feel good i love
that i get to celebrate life right now i love
that i’velet that go i love
that i get to choose to feel how i want i love
that its not worth caring about i love
that i get to make
the choice

i love that i don’t care i love
that i;ve let that go i love starting
the day off right now i love that i
get to make the choice to feel good now i love
that i know its only me and how i choose to feel

i love that i get to celebrate life rght now
i love the better it gets i love
cultivating the feeling i love
practicing the feeling and i know its only one feeling and t
that is the feeling of celebrating life

i love that i can do it i love
that i get to make the choice to feel good now i love
that today is a great day i love
that i get to make the choice
to feel good now i love

my life i

i lift up my mind and heart
to be aware to understand and to know
that the divine presence i am is the source and substance
of all my good

i love enjoying life i love
summer music i love that i get to make
the choice to love and enjoy life love
i love that its my choice
i love that i get to let go and enjoy life
i love that i am letting life in

i love doing the work i love
feeling good i love feeling good i love
feeling good

i lift up my mind
and heart to be aware to understand and to know
that the divine presence i am is
the source and substance of all my good

the divine presence i am
the divine presence i am

the source of all my good

how i feel is the source of all my good
and i know that i love that

that i can let that go i love
that ive let that go i love that i make
the choice to float i love that
i’m not nervous i’m knowing i love
the power of the focus i love
that i am loved i love
that i am loved

i love the power of the focus i love
doing the wrk i love looking for what i want
to see i loe that i know its only me
i love using the magick i love
that i am aware of my thoughts i love
letting go i love

catching my breath i love letting go i love
that i’ve been to mountain top i love
that i get it i love tat i know

if i RAM it it will come i ove

that i’m not nervouse
i’m knowing i’m not nervouse i’m knowing
i love that everything is working out for me i love
feeling good about who i am i love
feeling good about my life i love
that life is good i love
that life is good

i love the flow i love the flow

i love that i flow i love the
flow i love
the flow i love the flow

i love me i love the power of me i love
the power of this work i love that its easy
to tune myself to the vibration of source
i love cultivating the feeling within me
cultivating the magick i love
that i now all

know all that matters is the magick i love

enjoying that knowledge i love
that i don’t have to care i love
that its easy for me to not care i love
the better it gets i love
taking the big leap

into my zone of genius i love
that i can d it i love that i know
everything is an indicator i love
the power of the focus of the diligence i love
that i kno its only me i love

practicing the feelings i want to feel
i love that life i

is already perfect for me

i love the feeling of relief i love
the feeling of devotion to my vortex i love
the feeling of creating the version i prefer
i love t

making the choice i love making the choice
and knowing that life
only reflects vibration i love
making the choice
to drp that thought

for my health

i love doing the work
and elevating my mood i love
that i know i am


i love that i now i am god
i know i am god and i get to make
the choice for how my life unfolds i love
that i know i am
god in human form i love
letting god take care of
everything because god such su

does such a better job
i love that i’ve let that go
for my health
i love feeling good and trusting the flow i love

the power of the focus i love
the power of this work i love doing thiw

this work because it works i love

whre i am right now i love
that i don’t havet o care i get to choose
i get to chose the

the version i create i love
taht i am practiced at chooseing the

version i awant

i love that i am wealthy i love
that it works i love that the work always works
i love that the work always works i love
that i feel good i love doing the
only work that matters i loe that
i know that all that matters is how i feel
right now i love

cultivating my magickal powers i love
looking for opportunities to use them