i love that i dont care

i lovee the feeling of not caring i love the feeling
of not caring i love that i dont care i love that
i dont care i love that
i dont h

i lovee that i dont have to care i love that
ii dont havet o care i love that i
dot have
to care

i love that i dont give a fuck i loe that i get to be my

beset self today i love that i get to feel like my
best self today i love that i nkow th

i know tis

i love that i know i am


the only sourcce the of the feeling i am
the only way it ever comes

and i am god i am the mpowerf

i am thepoerful one i knwot hat im
the powerful one and today i knowt it

today i relish it

today i relish it today

i relish it i know i i
kknow it i now ti i knwo i nkow
i am the one aodn ly o
source i love myself i love who ia m
i love who ia m i love
who ia m

i dont give a fuck i love who ia m
i am god and i decide i am god and i decide
i am
god and i decide i love that i get
t oi love

that i get ot make the choice

i love that i get to choose the feeling for me
and tis never

never outside of me its

never outside of me i love that i nkow this i love that
i get to look within and knowt is
its only ever within
i knowt i

i kno its wonly eer within

i kno the power of me and i celebrate it i feel
the power
of me

and that is the only work i hold
nothing against no one

i am me and nothing can affect how ifeel

can affect my good time
i nkow this i

noothing can affect how i feel

good or bad nothign
can affect howi feel i know tis all more
my work its all mmy painting its all my art
its all what im creating
every day

i dont have to care id
ton have to care what happens only

the mid creates miseryt
only the mind creates resistance
ony the imnid

creates preferencesn
i dont ca

care what happes i dont
care wahat

happens im so tiired of careing what happens

i’m tired i’m tired of being in he mind
the mind of im

im tired of ar
caring im tired of ccaring i dont havet

only the mind can create miseryt
only the mind can create misery and i nkow ths i nkow
i nkow

its only ever me i know its

i’m choosing my poweer instead
im choosing my poweer insteas

instead im

chossing my power i

i dont hve
have to ccare what happens i dont hn
need anything to happen i can just trust
i can

trust i can trust where got puts me i can
trust where the flow pust
puts me i can trust the feeling no matter what
whre i am i can choose the feling
feeling i prefer and that is the
one and
only focus
that is the only

one and only focus there is only
one power and its m
there is only one power and its me h
its how i see life its how i f
see life and i nkow this i k

its how i lookt ati
at it everything is how i look at it

what i awnt is to not care
and hat is thep ower that is
feelig i rellay

really love that is the feeling i seek

is the real feelig adn i can choose that an

anywhre i can feel my sourcce my proximityt o god anywahe
i can trust
everhting knowigns that tis all unfodling accoring t d
my consicones nes
to what i expect i know tis

nly ever me and how i perceie it its only

ever me and how i perceive it

i love that i get to ffeel good i love that
that i dotn
dont havet o care
i love

that i

dont have to care i love
that id ont hav
have to care

give up give up reacitng to the outside world
and resume creating
be the real me be th powerful sotp giv

giving my powerr o
away sand ee
feel it every indute

tis time
its time to stand up to my thougths
to feel the way i awnt to feel and trust life
its time

to trust tlife
life its time to create hte version i prefer its time
to feel the way i awnt to feel in my life

to celebrate life to not hold anything
against anyone

its time for me to stand upto my
thougths and feel the god feleing i knwo ti know the secret
to life and i refuese

to not live by it i refuse to not live by it

its doenst matter ntohign is eer

ever goingt to be my source

its up to me to allow my heart ot sing
to sing its up

up to me to nejoy my lif to say yes to find a sa

weay to say yes titsti

its me iet
its always me its the focus its the unc
understanditng of the energy

its me its me its me i now i know the truth
i feel the feeling now its that easy

its that easy to just feel the feeling
and that is the only focus the
that is the only focus
it just doesn’t mater
and i know this i am

lookking for lov i am
looking for god in everything
i am noticing
i know tis mt
i know tis me i nkow tis i i i
i knwo ti can

i know i can do it i knw oi can do it i know
i can do it i know its
the thougths i know it i nkow

i know what it si i know i can let it g


its me its me tis mti

ii love that life is good i love taht life loves me
i love that im so spoiled i love that
im loved i love

that life loves me i love that
i can do i i kn

do it i knwo that i can do it i now that
i am not spe


separate life
from life i now life is me
i know tath
that life is me
and the feeling iw ant i always right here
i know

i knwo i am not separate from lif
i knwo im not separate

from life i know ia m not
separate from life i nkow tis me i get to feel
it and trut life i get t

to trust life i get to trust
i dont have to care

becaue i get to enjoy my life
i get to

accept eveything i get t allow
life to flow through em i nkwo the feeling of allow life to flow through me
of not having to ccare
fo nothing affectly me i
of knwoing tis me
of choosing me i get to choose the feeling of choosing me