i love that i get to

pay attention to wha i want more of i love that
i get to say yse pleaase more plase


i love the sun shining
i love not carig i love truly not caring i love
being focused on the god within nowing
that is all there is i love trusting
it i love letting the rest go i love
doing the work the good work theo nly work i love

i love orders!!
i love faire orders i love seeling clips
selling clip

i love perfect teamwork
i love ordrs on our site i love
working on ours

zines i love when someone goes on a spree!!

i love making money esaily
i love that i know when i ask it is givine
i love

that i now when i ask it is given
its always given

grateful to feel good
to now woh i am

gratefl to know who i am to feel the god self
flowing to feel the god selff flowing

so grateful to feel the god self flowing thorugh me
to get to do this wor

the work this work the focus owk the knowing work the

conscciousness owrk the love work the love work

so grateful to feel good today
to have acces to it today t

to milk it today to be conscious of the choicee today
to be able to make the choice to day

today to feel the feeling ofmagicc
flowing through me and i now that

the feeling i choose to feel is what dirvees
drives my life
i know im

i’m driving with the feeling i’m driving
its me its me it sm e

so grateful to know today to know

so grateful to know to feel cne

centerend to feelthe flow flow

to feel the flow flowing to feel the release to feel
the releas to feel the blessing to

feel the feeling to feel the power of the choice to know that
alll it ever is is me choic

choosing how i want to feel


tha’ts it

i feel totally fulfilled

i love that i truly cond
dont care i love that i get to feel

the god feeling today i love seeing the affects

effects the effects of the praccticce


i love knowing the truth feeling the truth
feeling the truth focusing on the truth

waking up feeling good feeling good in class doing
the clas with no resistance

being happy and sweeet i love being
happy and sweet its so much better
i know that i can do it i now that i can do it
i know that i can trust li fe

i know the source is here and now the
feeling i seek is herea nd now

here and now here and now
the feeling i seek is here and now
and im the source of it

its here waiting to be revlealed

i love that i get to feel good now i love
that life love me

right loves me gith right now

i love that i can ll
allow myself to feel good to feel the love god
has for me
to celebrate it here and now

so grateful oto feel gods love revelead and know
that i am

i will laways be the sourc

of my heart sing
os grateful to get to let my heart sing today

to dee w
see what love can do today to see
what love can do today

so grateful oi get ti to have fun
that i get to allow myself love i get to allow myself
to be

the source that i get ot att

to turn attentoin on itsself that i get to do this
praccticce that i get to do this

praccticce i love
our orders i love or

our work i love that we get to do both i love
that i ddeply

deeply accept it i love that i know i i know its for the best i love
that i get to feeel good
get to allow it get to say yes to it
get to say yes to it get

to allow my full self b
my eaut

beautiful unattached god self

i love that i get to be that person now

i love that i now i choose it
i love that i

get to do this work feeling good i
i know when i feel abundant
abundance flows to me i nkow when

i am resistance free
lives flows effortlessly to me and i now

the only effort is awareness

i know this i now this i now this
is theo nly work
turning the attenition
on itsself is the only work

the only work turning the attention on itsself
any time i n
i notice it outward

and tense
i release it and allow

and that is the secret to life
any time i notice feeling someting i dont like

i release it wan

and return my attention to the inner self

the infintie self

i know tis is the only work and the only
thing that


affects my life the onlly


only i know this and i now its the only
thing athat matets

becaue what i lookf or ouside

outside is ri

always right here

i feel totoally fulfilled
i know the secret to life

and can relax in the knowledge

that the activity of divine abundance
is eternally opertaint in

operating in my favor

i never have to wonder just
choose the feeling i want to feel and know
its follows jut rememberig to

to choose the feeling

that’s all

all there is

and the only feeling is awareness
is the knowing that life works iself out
and not to get involved

i am

i am

ama i aware i am

and i nkow its easy
to keep my focus here just practidc

the saem way i prace attention the other way

its the same thing and its easy to practice


easy to practice its tso eay
to practice