i love that i get to feel better

i love that its that eay that
i’m too powerful i love that i’m gt

too poweerful i lovet hat i get to choose it i
that i nwo tis me it it si me

tis the version i create i love that i get to just
be jget
to just be love i juet
get to just be love i get to refuse to suffer
becuase its not up o me

to me i get to refuse to suffer

i dont have to care i dont havet o care
becau i know life only reflects me i

i knwo i dont
i never have to take any action

so grateful to get to feel better
to get to have a good day to get to choose to refuse

to suffer so grateful for the space and time

i love that i knwo that its alays on
the physical plane i love that
i can choose love and
everthing else willl reflect that

i get to choose love and everything else willl reflect that

therens nothing outside of me and i now it
i just didn’t do the work id dint’ do the fitness

and i knw it and that’s ok becauese iam
allowing the god back in al

im allowig the god bacck in allm
im allowing god to do it im
allowing god to do it

im allowing love to flow through me
im allowing life

love to flow through me im alloing myself to feel how god sourl

i’m brave enough to feel the feeling of god

brave enough to flip the switch im
brave enough to feel love

send the signal of love
bravve enough to send the signal of love

brave enought o be it im
brave enough to not let anything
in my vortex

im brave enough to love without
kknowing why

im bravve enough to empty myself of everything else
im brave enough not to care im brave enough to love
without reason

im beave bravve enough to trust the feeling the feeling of life

to do this work the only work i’m

brave enough to do the only work
im brave enough to do the only work

to do the only work im bave enough not to carae
to know that i

dont have to care im brave enough to feel good no
matter what to allow god to serve im bravve enough to allo god to server

to allow god to serve

im brave enought to allow god to server

im brave enought o allow myself to be god

im brave enough to allow myself to be god

to not need anything im brave enogh
to n

alredy be filled up im bravve enought to already
be filled up to be already filled up

im brave enough to feel filled up im
brave enough to be filled up to not ccare

releae the tension and just be
im brave enough not to care im brae enough to eel good nwo
to choose how i wat to feel want to feel

to chooe how i want to feel

im brae d

i kknow i can do it and i know this is the work
i know
i can do it and i knwo this is the work

i know i can do it i know tis easy to
have fun and feel good i know its easy to not care

i now its so eays to not care
i kow its so eay to choose my vortex
i know tis so

so easy to be filled up in this
here and now i know tis so easy to laugh
and smilk e
andhave fun i know its

so easy to laugh and msile
smile and feel good i now
i know its so easy to laugh and msil

smile and enjoy life i know

its so easy to filled
be filled up to not need anything to change
to accept it alll as god as go

as god’s loe its so eay to
be god’s love
to overflow with god’s loe

and to trust everything that happen s
its so easy to remember that i am my own sourcce
and i dont need anything to chage

its so eay to remember that i am my source
and i don’t need anything

i do’t
dont’ need to anything to me

i know the powee of me and i knwo i can do it
i know i never have to allow naything to get to me

i kno i never have to allow anything to get to me
i know that i can do it i know that i can fel oo

feel good i knowt hat i can

have fun i knwot he
the power of me the power
of my consicousn

i knwo the powerr of me

me as a creator

i know i am the amster reate
i knwot his

i knowhti s

so grateful to do it to practice

to remember i can do it to
remember the power of me to remember to

create teh versoin i prefer
to ccreate the
feeling of love its f

feel sso good to be the feeling
of loe to know that all i can

do is be th f
the feeling of love all i

that it’s never outside of me
its never outside of me

its inside me and i get to choose it

inside me and i get to choose it
i get to choose love and harmoney

i get to cchoose love and harmony
and i know im the souce i

source i know i am the source
an i dot need it oursiide of me a

i know this is my lifes work and i know that
i am

really good at it

so gatefl for teh time
and space to remember
so gratefult o take the time
and spac to remember

the poweer of me
and im not giving it awat

ti a

to anyone