i love that i never have to care

i love that i can always
comes back to dnter i love
ther i knothat i know

that i kow it’ sonly ever me i love that
i know it’s only ever me i love that
know that i know that ti

it’s only ever me i love that i know that it’s
only ever me i love that
that i know that it’s only ever me i love that
i know that

it’s only ever me i love
that i can let that go i love that
i really truly don’t care

i love that iknow it
was never me i love that iknow
it’s not me and that
everything i was seeking

i already had within
i love that i know i love that
i can allow myself to be the
best to be my fest

best self i love that i
get to allow me to be my

best self
i love that
i never have to care i love

i brokrk

i love that i getto
to celebrate life i this
here and now i love that
it’s a good day

a lazy day i love that
i know i can
only ever

take life as it comes i love that
i know

it’s only ever me i love htat
i ca

get to choose tofeel
to feel good

i love that i get to feel good
i love that i get to feel good

i love that the spell is
broken i love that the spell is
broken i love that
i dn’ thav

have to care i love that i
can put it all down i love that
i get to have fun i love the
power of the focus i love that
i get to feel good i love tha t
i get to feel good i love
that i get to feel good i love
that i get to feel good i love

that i get to celebrate life i love
that today is a good day i love

that i get to feel good i love that
i get to feel good i love
that i get to feel good i love that

i get to feel good i love

that i get to feel good i love that
i get to feel good i love that

i get to feel good i love that
i get to feel good i love

i love that the spl
spell is broken i love that i
don’ thave to

upper lmiti
myself i love that i get to feel good now i love
the mp

powe of life

of life in this

here and now i love
i love saying yes i love

loving myself i love
loving myselfi love

loving myself i love

traiing my training myself to
act accordingly i love that i

don’t have to care i love that
i don’t have to care

i love that the spell is broken i love
that the spell is broken i love that
the spell is broken

and no longer care i love doing it for me i love
doin git


doing it for me i love

doing it for me i love

doing it for me i love

i love

doing it for me i love
doing it for me i love
doing it for me i love

that i am now living life for me
i love that i don’ t
have to care i love that
i don’t have to

i love that i
don’t i love

that the spell is borke


i love that the spell is broken i love

that the spell is broken i love
tha t

the spell is broken i love that

i don’ thavet o care to care to care i love
that i don’t




OUT here doing me i love that
i am out here creating my own thing

i am out here creating my

own thing nad

and i get to trust the flow i get to trust the flow
trust the

trust the flow

trust the flow and have
fun i lovet

yes thank you yes thank you

yes thank you i love that
it’s so easy to
come back to a place of
celebrating life
and let go of the rest i love

that never have to care about t
he past

the past and that
i can let it go
for me i lo

i lovet hta it’
that it’s only ever me i love that
it’s only ever me

i love that i love that i love

i am connected to god
i know that i am gaod and i
and i lookf

for god in everything i look
for god in everything

i look for god in everything i look
for god in everything

yes thank you

i love that i’ve comeso
so grat

far ilove i love that
i’ve let that
go i love

that it’s only ever me i know

that i creat

created the best
version fo

of myself i found
those feelings

inside myself
and no

no one else had to give them
to me i know it’s only ever em

me and i get to choose to feel
to feel those feeling
s i get to
to choose i love

and i love that i ge tto

to feel the feeling
of certain
i love that i gt to
get to
have fun i love that
i get to

to take the big leap

yes thank you yes
thank you

thank you yes

tahnk you

thank you
yes thank you
i love the powr
me and i

and i love that i’m always
getting everything i always
wanted i love
that i know


it already is the way i want it to
be i love that i know it already is
i love that i know

it was only
ever me

that i loved