i love that iknow this is the only work

i love that its easy to come
to center i love that i am ther now
there now and

what does it mean
come to center
it means to come to whole
with spirit
no separation
between myself and spirit

which means remembering that
everything i see and experience is just
a direct reflection of my vibration

its only ever me and life
reflects the signal i send
so i send the signal
of yes and that’s all i can ever do
but it takes bravery
because the ego wants to be

or be afraid it wont achieve

but coming to center
means remembering that everything
that happens is always in my favor
coming back to spirit means remembering that
everything is perfect
exactly as it is and

celebrating this fact
and doing this work
coming back to center and talking

with spirit
about what it means
makes it easier for me to come
to center and remember that life
is only reflecting me so
when i make the choice to feel calm

i allow life to work itself out
and i know i never have to wonder and
be afraid

i can simply allow life to unfold as it may

i can get there and it just takes a little practice to
get in

get int he o

get int he f

in the vortex and then
what does it mena

get to feeling really good about life
and then proceed
get to feeling really good about life
and then

becuase that is all that mattes
is the signal i send and i am

the habit of sending the signal
of yes and i know the power of yes
and when i send the siganl of

of yes

life does the work for me
and i love that i know this fact ai

i am sending the signal of yes
and life is doing the rest i know

i can let go

totally totally let go and just celebrate life

knowing that

god is lavish
unfailing abundance
the rich omnipresent substance
of teh un

the universe

this all providing
source of infinite prosperity
is individualized as me

reality of me

it feels good to practice feeling good
and the mor ei practice
the easier it gets i know that

all that matters is how i feel and
the feelings i direct toward life
i always have the choice to c

celebrate and celebrating always feels better