i love that the work is working

i love the better it gets
i love feeling the magikc

magick energy flowing through
me and knowing i am the
i love that i get to feel good
about my life
about any situation
i love that i get to feel good about
any situation
i love the
better it gts i

i love that i know god is always
flowing through me i love gathering momentum


i love that i feel prosperous!
i love making the most ever!!

i love the
better it gets!!!
i love that life is good i love the
better it gets i love the

better it
gets i love

the better it gets i love
better itg

it gets i love that
i never havet o w
to worry i love that
i know

is working out for me

i love planning adventures!!

i love doing the work i love
the work i love oding th
doing doing the work i love
doing the work i love

doing the work i love that

the universe was right
is always right i love celera

celebrating life in the now
i love that life is good i love
feleing g

feeling good i love allowing life to flow
to flow through me i ilove
i love that i never have to wonder

i love that
i never have to wonder

i love who i am i love
that i know i am
god i love

that i know the work is
working i ilove that it works


changing the energy works
i love that i know this i love tha t
i feel the energy of god flowing
through me i love that i can

choose to allow it to feel
good i this this here and now
it feels good to relax and feel good in th
this here and now nit
it feels

i know the secret to life
and i know it’s foolish to think
about any thing i don’t want i know
the secret to life and
it’s me

i know i m am the secre tto
to life i love that
i know this i love that
i know i a
i am the secre to life
i love that i
get to feel good i lo

knowing i am the secret to life ilove

that it’s only ever me i love

making the chocie
to f

to zoom out
remember that it’s only
ever me and that life
the energy of life

the energy of life reflects me
i love that i feel good in this
here and now i love that

let that go i love feeling the
feeling o fl

free i love that i know
life is on my side i love that
i know life is on ly

my side i love
the feeling of celebrating

i love the power of the focus
and feeling good feeling the
feeling of knowing

everything in life is perfect
it feels good to know that to
make the choice to love

to love myself to
forgive myself it feels good to love
to parac
practice the feeling of loveing

myself it feels good to
truly love my life to truly love my

i love doing this work
and letting the rest go i know that

power is in my non actoin
that i don’ th
care what happens i love that
i don

don’t care what happens
i love that i can’

get in the way i love that i know
i know i can’t get in the way and i fel

feel gon

i keep my mind and thoughts off this
world andp lace my entire focus on the
god within as the only cause of my prosperity

i acknowledge the inner presence
as the only activity in my financial affairs
as the substance of all things visible

i place my faith in the principle of
abundance in action
within me

i know that the work alawys work
works and the more i feel for how i want to
feel the more i attract the feeling

i love feeling at ease in
my life i love that i have some
much to be grateful for

i love our house i love
renting cars i love our
our air conditions
our pets i love
our office and our kitchen
and our forest and our plants
i love that

this day is really good i love that
the better it gers i love
getting to work
with spencer i love that she pays right away!!!

i love making the time to do the work
i love flow!!

i love the wife!!

i love being vegan!
i love cornucopia!!

i love that i know there’s
nothing missing i love that i know life
is a

already perfect i love doing the work
connecting with spirit i love doing the
work this work this work this work

this work is the only work

i keep my mind and thoughts
off this world ai

and i commune with god
and tha’ts all that matters
i love feeling the relief of that
i love that i know

it’s only ever and the
more i make the choice
to love to feel how i want to feel
the more

i see that reflected
i love my self
i love
myself i love myself i love that
i know

i love doig th
doing the work i love that
i ge tto feel good i love
shedding thes k
the s
the sking i love

i love that i know it’s


i love saying thank you i love
that the vortex is always in the
here and now and i can

always feel good in the
the here
and now i love tha i

i am present in thsi here
and now i am laser focused
on god i am focused on

god that is my only
job knowing god is my only
job and i know the rest a

always unfolds

i love that i know
everything unfolds
as it will and all that matters
is feeling connected with god