i love knowing who i am
and feeling confident in the flow
in the unfolding of life i love that
life is good i love that i feel the
healing of life i love that
i feel the healing of life i love
doing the work this work the only work
this work is the only work and i love
that i know that i love that i know
i can only ever do this work
and decide what i want
then allow it to coalesce
just decided and i realize now
that it’s the indecision
that’s making me feel
out of place out of alignment
and know that the choice is life giving
i want to give what i want
it feels good to be a part of
something to get to be around
other artists
having conversations
it feels good to be a part of something
to have a club house
to do me in
i know it’s important to do me
i know it’s important to do me i know
it’s important to do me i know it’s
important to just trust the flow
just go with the flow and don’t care
what happens
but i know figuring out what i want
from this
i want there to be demand
but maybe not
maybe i just want to have fun
and create and use all those
art supplies
i feel bad for giving up
but that’s ok
things are always changing
i want to be a part of someting
and for
something and for it to be
i want to say yes
and that’s all i can do is
say yes
i love feeling good i love having a place
to go i love being a part of something
making friends being around other people
having something to do
that’s not just
i miss that feeling of creative
fulfillment that i got from it at first
and i want that back
allow it to return
it feels good to just
focus on
feeling creative
and also maybe part of it is
i’m getting in my own way
and not believing in myself
i can trust myself
i can do the work i can
do the work
i can
feel the feeling i can
feel the feeling i can do the work
i can feel the feeling let’s
do the work let’s
feel the feeling let’s feel the
the feeling
feel the feeling together it
feels good to say yes
to say thank you to have a space
t have to have a studio
and i know that
the work isn’t effort
it’s alignment and it feels good to
align to create to have ideas to
spread them it feels good to just
say yes thank you to say yes thank you
and just allow life
to help me
discern the preferences
i love that i know it’ sjust
for fun i love that i know
everything is always working out
for me and that i am always getting what i want
i love that i know life is
always changing i love that life
is always changing
i got what i wanted and now that’s changing
i can feel that iam
holding back and not
wanting to give my
and that’s part of it
i love that i don’ thave to care and
if i just keep focusing on
what feels good on
what is in the flow
as long as i focus on what
feels good i keep getting that
i love that i know that
as long
sa i
as i focus on what feels good i know that
as long as i focus on what
feels good then the rest falls into place
i love that gt
get to feel good i love
that i get to feel
i love choosing to feel optimistic
and knowing that i can always
say yes to the flow i love that i
can always
say yes to the flow to the feeling i love
that i get to do me i love that
today is a good day!!!
i love getting to hang out with my mom
getting to see my niece
i love hardees breakfast
i love having fun i love that
there is so much fun to be had
i love the feeling i felt
i love the feeling i felt and i just
want to go back to that
to feeling inspired
creatively inspired
and that’s all it’s about that’s a
just follow the feeling of what
feels good and that’s all i can ever do
today i get to celebrate the magick life
and i don’ thave to care about the rest
i can just feel for the
feeling and that’s what i
feel is missing that’s
what i notice is missing
it’s me
not showing up
for me
it’s just about
creating and enjoying the moment
it’s just about creating and nejoying
enjoying the moment it’s just
about enjoying the moment and trusting the flow
the feeling the feeling the feeling
the feeling the feeling
i don’t have to itch
i don’ thave t
to scratch it i can focus on the moment
and just feel for it
practice the feeling
and then i know it’s only
ever a feeling i know that
life is just a feeling
just feel the feeling
you want to feel feel the feeling you
want to feel and then you
will feel it it
it’s all about the
freedom of expression it feels good
to lean into the flow
to know i dn’ thave
to do anything
i don’ thavet o
be attached to mthe ma
the manifestation
the feeling is what i
seek and life is always
changing to accomodate that
i know that i am
always getting exactly what i awnt
first find the clarity within
and life will reflet that
find the clarity within
find it within and life
will reflect it life
is always changing to reflect
what is inside