i love this day!

i love that i get to feel good i love that i can

do it on my own

i love that i get to feel the feeling that
i get to feel the feeling of loveing
loving life and feeling good i love
that i get to feel good

i get to feel good i get to celebrate life i get to
jump right in i get to feel good about that
i get to feel good about atht i
get to do this focus work

the expanding to fill the moment work i love that
i get to do it i love that

i get to do it i love that i
get to do it i love that i
get to do it i love that i get to do the focus work
get the feelingwrok

wrok feel the feeling msyelf work
almost better because i know
how to access it how to harness it
harness my power i love that i know
how to harness my power i’m

here harnessing my power in the here and now
allowing myself to prosper in this
here and now i’m allowing myself to prosper

i’m allowing myself to prosper i now it’s alll flowing my way
i know that life
si good i

i love that i know i love that i know
the straight line is all there is i love that i get to choose it

thank you become it first with tahnk you
becomet he straight line with tahnk you
become the straigh link with whatever it takes

just be the straight line and that’s all that matters
bring the god self to this moment and thinen

then this moment is perfect then
this moment is god i loe that i know that

this that i know the focus work
that i can bring myself fully into this moment

fully into this vortex fully into the god feeling

fully fully fully
ont he bus

totally filled up with god and i love that
i get to gi love
i love that i know ti can only reflect me i love that
i know ti

only reflect me

the focus work the decid
dedication to it to not thinking
aboutw hat i dont want and
that’s all it is

the focus work the
ehre and now
work the ehre and ow

thank you thank you thank you
become it first with thank you
become it first with thank you

be happy right now with thank you
i know teh truth i know the god self i know the
power of me

i know the truth
i know the god self i know the power of me
i know the

tuning work i know the flat line
die to live
i know the flat line
i know it and i know its true
i know the feeling is all there
is and i fieel it

it now all that matters is how i feel
what i expect to happen

what i’m looking to see

grateful for grateful for

the energy of me the energy of me
the energy of me

energy of me the knowledge of

the straight line get to choose teh straight line
of the here andn ow
get to choose

the straight line
get to choose

the version and then i don’t have t
to wonder get to choose the
laser focuse
get to choose the
laser focus get to choose the line
the unwavering line
teh unwavering
line get to choose it get to choose it
get to choose it

get to
choose it get to choose it and know
i get to choose teh life i want
i love that i knwo i get to choose it
get to feel for it get to feel for it
get to feel for it and know its alway s


grateful i get to feel it
grateful i get to feel good

get to feel the straight line
get to feel the alignment

get to feel the tuning

get to feel the fui

i get to feel it i get to feel the

i get to feel the truth i get to feel
the truth i get to

feel the truth

the truth i get to feel
i get to know teh trith

truth get to act in accordance with the truth
i love that i get to

that i get to bring the god self to every
interaction i love that i get to di

i love that life is good i love that i

get to feel good i love that i
get to feel god i love that i get

thank you thank you thank you
thank you thank you

thank you for this here and now
here and now this here and now

here and now this here and now
this here and now now

this here and now

this hre

this flat line
this laser focus and i know that
tha’ts all thee is
refuse tof cous
anywhere else

refuse to think about it
refuse to think about it
i love that i know i love that i know

the power of em i love that
i get to feel it to

get to tune into it
knowing here and now
and more than ever that it’s only ever me

it feels good to remember this
to bring this

knowledge to the top to act accordingly to act accordingly
i love that i get to that i get to
feel good that everything already is perfect
that i get

to stop striving

that i never have to strive i love that
i knoww this
i love that i kn

that i know this
that i know this t

that i know this
that i know this i knwot he truth
i get to live by it i love that i know the
truth and i get to live by it
i love

that i get to live by it i love that
i get to live by it that i get to veel

feel the

straight line that i
get to feel the laser focus
i gt to feel the laser focus

i get to feel the laser