i love this day

so grateful to have a good day to have an energized day to get
to choose to feel good about myself to focus on how i want to feel and how i want to see myself
so grateful i get to choose how i see myself how i feel in my life and in my body

grateful to be here doing the work the fcous focus work the focus work g

grateful to be here feeling good to be here choosing how i feel about myself
so grateful to be here to be here feeling good t

feeling the feeling i get to hcosoe
to choose to feel the feeling of all of life
flowing through me iget to chosoe to feel the
feeling of god to allow the energy that ccreat

creates worlds to flow through nme

i get to choose me i get to choose how i seee myse
fna di

myself and i get to choose how i see others i love that i get to
i love that i get to i love that i get to chose i l

i love that ig et to choose the feelig i get to choose the
vision i get to choose what’s created and i love that i
get to that i get to feel good no matter what

that i get to choose how i feel i get to chosoe how i feel i
get to sh
choose how if eel i love that i get to i love that
i get to feel good i love that i get to

feel good i love that life loves me i love that l

life loves me i love that life loves me i love that
ig et to have fun!

i love that i get to feel good that i get to ride the ride that
i get to feel how iw ant to feel that i get to

love myself that i get to love life i love that
i get to love life i love that i get to love

i get to feel good i get to feel the push inside me
i get to feel the challenge inside of me i get to

feel the celebrateion
celebration of life i get to love i get to feel loe i
i get to choose love i get to choose love i get to

choose love i get to choose to love myself i get to love
myself i get to feel good now
ig et to choose loving myself i get to choose celebrateion

i get to choose the energy that creates worlds i get to

to allow that energy to flow through me i get to feel good i get to
feel the flow i get to feel the flow i get to feel the

i get to feel god i get to be god i get to choose it i love that
i get to choose it i love that life loves me i love that i get to
choose to feel the lust for life
to allow the energy of life to flow through me i love that i get ot

i know this is the only owrk
work this is the only owrkout workout because ho i see

how is ee myself is the only thing that affects and
who and what i am and

who and what i am and i ilove that i know this
i love that i get to feel good about life
get to feel energized by life get to allow life
get to allow life

get to celebrate life i love that life is good i love that
i know that life is good i love that i know that life
is good i love that i know i love that
i get to feel the feeling now i get to choose teh feling
the feeling i want to feel now i know that i

all that matters is the feeling i know that all that matters is the
feeling i love that i know this i love that i
know this that i get to choose it that i get to choose to
feel ho

the way i want to feel about msyel fi love that i
get to do this work that i get to feel good that
i get to celebrate life that

i get to celebrate life i know that life is good i know that
i’m out here doing mky best i love that i
get to i love that i get to i love that i get to feel good about me
i love that ig et to love me

i love that i get to feel the god self i love that
i get to feel the god self i love that i know that i am
the god self i love that i am the god self i love that
i am the god self i love that i am
the god self and i get to choose i i love that i
get to choose i gi lo

i love that i get to choose i il o

i love that i get to be it that i get toc hoo
choose to allow the energy to flow through me i get to choose to allow the
energy that creates worlds to flow through me

i get to be a god
i get to be the only god i get to choose i get to
choose how i see myself i get to choose
how i see mysel f

so grateful to be here in this life getting
to feel the rsuh
rush of the good life i get to feel the
rush of the good life

con todo confianza

i love that ig et to feel i know the feeling
and it is here it is the good life flowing through me it is the good life
flowing through me