i need to live life for me

and i know that
when i’m feeling like i need
time to myself it
means i need
to come back to center back to

knowing who i am
really am but
all i can thinkis

i know i just need to
do the work i need to do the work
to feel the way i want to feel
right now to feel the

way i want to feel
right now and choose the
version i prefer i get to
choose the version
i prefer i

just let it go and make the
choice to feel good iknow that
i can always
let it go and feel good

and that ai can
always choose to foucs

to focus on something
else i can
alawys c

always choose to focus
on comet

something else i can
choose to foucs
on something else

i can et

let it go i an
can let it go i can let it go
i can let it go i know i know

i know that i can do the
work i know that i can do the
work i can do the

work i can do the work
i can

do the work i an

can do the work i can
focus in the here and now and it
is always my choice to do the
wrok for

for me i cna do t
do the work
for me i can

do the work for me i know it’s
only ever me it’s only ever my
vortex i can do
it for me i can live life for me

i can do it for me
i can do it for me
i can do it for me

can do it for me i can do it
for me
i can do it for me

i can do it for me i can do
it for me i liove myse
i love myself i know it’s

it si all just a matter of focus
of where i am putting my focus

it is al just a mater of where ia

i am putting my focus
it is oinly hwere
where i put my focus
it only matters where

put my focus it only
ever matters wh

where i put my focus


what do i want?
tofeel good in my life to enjoy
life to enjoytthis day

time to myself

i know it just means i need to connect
to source

grateful to make the time to
connect to source to
do it for me

grateful to do it


me grateful to do it for me to
do it for me it can
i can live life for me i can

live life for me

i can do it for me
i can do it
for me i cam

i am here doing the

the work now i cam

i am here now i cam

am here now
doing the work for me
i am here now

the vortex is always in the
here and wno

now the vortex is always in the
here and onw
the vortex is

always in the hre

here and now i can must
just look toward the
vortex and not care about the
rest i

i can look toward the vortex
and the votex
vortex is always in the
here and now it’s not my
job to care


because the
vortex is in the here and now
the votex
vortex is in the here and now the
vortex is in the

the here and now
vortex is in the here and
and now the

vortex is in the here and
the vort

i can let it go i can look
toward coms

something else
i can look for reasons
to celebrate i can
celebrate this
day i can

celebrate the

the vortex i can
celebrate the vortex i can


celebrate the vortex
i can celebrate
the vortex i cna

can celebrate the here and now
i can live this day
for me i can live this day for
me i can

always do the work the
work is all that matters
and when

i turn myself toward the flow

when i turn myself

when i turn within i feel
better and i know that i know it

it’s only ever me and it

an dit

it can only ever reflect me i know
the vortex is in the here and now
and when i blieve


believe in the vortex
when i know the vortex is here and now
i feel better i feel good i

allow myself to celebrate
life in the here and now

and just by tuning
the instrument that it is me

i can feel better

and when i make the choice to feel
better life feels better

when i make the choice
to enjoy this day

i do i make the hcoice t
the choice to enjoy this
day to

make the choice to enjoyt his day
this day i make the choice
to enjoy this day

i stick to the vortex
to the numbers i

stick to the numbers i stick
to the numbers it

it feels good to stick
to the numbers it feels good

to feel goo di t

it feels good to make the choice
to sloo
look for the vortex in this here and now

it feels good to feel good
to look for the vortex in this
here and now to make the hcoice

the choice to enjoy to say
thank you it feels good to be grateful
to make the choice
to enjoy life in this

life in this here and onw
it feels good to feel good in this
this here ando w
to look for the magick

in life it feels good to look
for the magick in life

it feels good t

to look for the magick in life
it feels good to let it
all go dit feels good to feel good
i this this here and now

tune the instruement
to remember who i am
and that i am god it feels good
to remember that i am

how would you feel if you
knew that you are god??

how you would feel if you
knew that life

rigged in your favor
how would you
feel if you nk

knew life was rigged in your favor??