i remember the feeling

i know that the feeling and awareness
are the same thing and they dont require

just a shift in focus
i sh
a shift in feeling i a
shift in aaawareness
is all there is is all there
is all

is all there is i know the feeling i nkow the
feeling of life flowing through me i know the
feeling of life

flowing through me i know the feeling of life
every single day

the focus the feeling i can always choose it i can
always choose the focus
can always choose the feeling the

feeling the feeling

i rmemer the feeling i remember the focus i remember the knowing

i remember the knowing feeling i remember the knowing feeling
i now the feeling i know the

i know the feeling i now the truth i know the feeling
of awareness i know

the feeling of awareness of god self
of how god would feel and my power is feeling it is refusing to feel
how i dont want to feel

i ge to choose to refuse to feel
how i dont want to feel and that part is really is
easy that part is really easy i know its just three days
to 20200

i love that i can do it i can be aware i know that i can
be awre i know that i can be aware i know the power of me i
know i know

i know the practice of me i know the focus of me
the focus on real peae not cultivated peace

real peace

that doesn’t require anything

the real peace of life that
is always

always there and ic an always sink into it
its the only thing thats real and nothing else is

the real peace is the onth
only thing thats real

grateful for the perspective

grateful for the clarity
to pick pu the pieces to
choose the focus to choose th

the focus of my life
i ge tot hcoose the focus on
of my lif ei get to choose how i drive my life
i l

i love that i know it doesn’t matter what happens
i love that i know that the tao
the dao

does nothing i love that i now this and can trust it
i love that i cam

am brae

brave enough to choose the feleing i to choose the

i love when i dont ccare i love when i think
life is funny i lovve when life is funny i love when i feel how god feeels

i love when i feel how
god feels i loe when i feel how
god feels

god neve love
runs out of love

god just keeps giving and giving
and giving because god lovesee to give

god loves to gie
i love hwen i feel ohw god feels

its a cs
scary feeling
its a scary feeling

i am brave enough to feel how
god feels i am brave enough to feel how god feels

i am brave enough to
feel how god feels i am brave enough to feel how
god feels i allow the
feeling of how god feels

i allow the feeling of god
how god feels thank you for the feeling
for allowing me to feelhow god feels it

feels sl go doo
so good its overwhelming

i love that i nkow w eupper lmitied
i love that i knwo i love that
i knwo i love htat
i know thats what i always do i love that
i know i dont hva
have to gi
i get to love no matter what
i get to love no matter what

i get to love no matter what

i get to feel the
feeling of god i love that i gt to
feel the feeling of god
and thats’a ll there
is that nothing else is real

i know that nothing else is
even real
the only thing that is real
is the feeling of god and i get to feel it
i love that i know that god id
is flowing i love

that i know life is good i love

i feel how god feels i feel how

god feels i feel how god
feels and i never hve to think about anything else

i know the feeling i know the
feeling i know the

the feeling i know the feeling

i know the feeling i feel how god feels i eel
feel how

how the way god feels how iwould
it feel to feel good about it

would it feel to feel good about it

i remember the feeling i choose it i choose
it and then realx

relax into it

relax into it