i remembered i dont ccare

that its not my source and t never

it never will be i know the one and only sourcce
and i turn my attention to

toward its source knowing thats all ic an do i come
hre to remember to know to nkow to know

i come here to remembe that one ando nly truht
and feel it i knkow that its never outside of me

lfie is never
outside of me

i get to be it first i get to hoose hg
god fisr and i can always hoo

choose god right now in there is
this here and now i can choose god i get to choose god
in this

this here and now i get to chosoe the power of me
i know the power of me i ow
i know tis

up to me to allow life to flow

its me and god its only eer bewte

bewtween me and god i say yes i listen

i listen i liten to the
the thougtsh within
i pay attention to hoa

how i wafe
i feel and i kno i dont need a reason

eeven ehou
though there are so many reasons
i can just allow i can relax and allow god
to take over
god to do the wrok

thats’ all i can ever doo

its me and its what i look for i know i get to choose what
i look for the parts i blos

blow up i love that we’re ahead i love tahat its work ing i love that
i get to i lovee hat i get to feel good i love the

that i remembered i dont ccare i loved

that i dont have to care i love
that the
rent is paid and we’re ahead!!

i love that its that easy !@!

i love that the rent is paid and we’re aheadd
i lov etha t

i can change the past i love that
i get to be happy and feel good now
i love that

the rent is paid and we’re ahead!!

i lovee that ig et to feel it i ove that
i t
i feel it and then it is i lov ethat i get to feel it and then it is

n one

did a thing its only ever me deciding how i want to feel its me
choosing how i want to feel

its me its me its me its me
its not them is me

its me its me its me its me
its never them its me all i can do is me

be i am all i do can do is not give my power away all ic an
do is this work all i can do is thiw

this work remembering the power of me i get to choose
the poweer of me i get to choose to feel good to

enjoy life i get to choose to enjoy life
to feel good now to feel godo now

to feel good nwo ig et to choose to choose

i get to choose to choose me i now the pwoer of me i know
the poweer of me i know the poweer o

of me i know the power of me i know the power of me

i know this is theo nly work i n
i kno wits never outside of me i know i cc
get to feel good now

its me its me its me

who am i

who am i

who am i

is not
its not outside of heme
its here now

its never outside of me

its here now now now
and now its herre ando and now

its always here now tis always here now
its l
always here now tis never

outside of me its never

of me itsn
never outside of me

its me its me its me creating
life its me creating life

i love that we’re ahead i love that its working i love that we’re money magnets i love that
get tto i i love that we get t i love that
we get to i love that

we’re money magnets i love thatim creating it and its never outside of me

its never outside ofme and i love that
i know this that im here now

who am i

what do i prefer
to feel the flow to feel the ecstatic flow flowing through me
to feel good about myself to love myself
and know that god does too

that god is always on my side
that life is always on my side

that is the only work knowing that
god is on my side

allowing gods gifts that is the only work

that is the only work

its only ever me its me im not looking outside of me
when the source o what
what i seek is right here and

its just i forgot for a second but now i remember
an i get to love i know that life

love is always the answer and i get to feel love
im so proud of myself for how far

ive come i nkow ive come a long way and i can and

and i can always work throught the internal

the internal is all there is life

the consciousness is the only reality i knwo this
i knwo that life has to reflect it i knkow that i am

i am is the only reality i know that i am
is the only reality i nkow that

i am is the only realit whatever i believe im right
however i feel thats what im crateing and

im so grateful for
to remember for the contrast that helps me remember
the feeling of love the feeling
of proximity to god the

feeling of knwoign the feeling of knwoing
of not leaving my integtricy
of saying thank you fo changing
of changing the past i can always change the past

i can alwys feel good

feel how i want to feel now
and life reflects that

it hasa to

it can’t not