i remembered the feeling of god

the feeling of feeling good of celebrating life
just for teh sake of it i remembe the feeling and ir emember

the power of it i

i love that i know the power of the feeling
the feeling of feeling good and i love that
i get to choose teh feeling teh go

god feeling in every moment i choose teh god
feeling in every moment
the focus

the focu
the fe

feeling the consciousnes
that which ia m aware of being

that which i am conscious of being that which i am conscious
of being

thank you thank yo for the thank you for the feeling
of tuning in of tapping in of turning on i love that i get to feel it
i love that i get to celebrate it
that i get to feel the feeling of gods

i love remembering it and practicing it
remembeinng the power of it and knowing

its real

its “science”

its universal law i know that it is is law
it is the law i ahve seen demonstrted in my own life

just try it that’s all you can do because words can’t really
convince you of it

its so eays just feel good and ther est follows

so very easy i love that i get to
give up the

that i get to feel it now that i
get to feel it now that i am ware

aware of the plotting and planning maind
and i am
willing to llet god do the wrk i
am willing to let go do the o


nothing missing besides god its always god i

its always the feeling and iam

always the creator i am always he creator
i am th

always the cretor i am

always the creator i love that i get to choose it i can choose that
feeling now i can choose htat

hat feeling now i love that i know that

i am i know the feeling of me
i know the f

feeling of me

i love that i konw and i get to choose it i love that
that’s it and it always has been i get to choose it now i get to choose it now

knowing that it already is

i love doing this work remembering the feeling of me i

love doing this work remembering the feeling
of be

me being consciousn
i am conscious

i am conscious

i am conscious

i feel the feeling the god self the god self is me
the creator is me the feeling

the feeling is me the feeler is me the

experience is me
the experiencer is me

i love that i now i love that i know

i love that i know i love that i get to feel
good get to feel the feeling of god the magick of god
i love that

remembering the feelign creating through m

feeling and i know it so swell
so well so grateful to t

retu;rn to

to the ease and flow of creating through feeling knowing
that feeling is the only way to create
feeling is the only way to create and it feels good to feel it

i gett

it’s all in the feeling and i feel the feeling and life has no

choice god is not


decider or men?
discerner of men?

it doesn’t decide
it follows and i love that i know that i love tha ti feel the
feeling i feelt he inkling and the inkling grows i

feel myself allowing the inkling to grow i feel myself

allowing the inkling to grow
remembering how to flip it

to flip it back to god is lavish and i know that
poer o

power of the


i kow the power of thef lip
the flip

god is lavish

god is lavish
everything in gods world is lavish and the more
i see that the more i live it the more
i feel that the more i know it

in my subconscious

in my subjective mind the

i love that i know the power of me i love choosing it i love
that i get to choose it hat
i get to

suck the life blood out of the thing i dont want
and then its just

can’t exist without my conscious awareness

nothing exists without my conscious awareness of it

god is lavish and that’s all that matters
i allow myself to feel it to
relax in the truth of it

i allow myself to relax into the truth of life
to really feel it and know that

feeling is my

is my is my is my

my source and my supply
its what

and i get to use my imagination to create whatever version i prefer

i get to use my imagination to create it
and it’s only limited by me its’

only limited by


i know the power of me and i know how to put it inot

into practice

god is lavish
is the motto its the switch to remembering that the
feeling creates so
feel the feeling you want to create the
feeling you want to live feel the feeling you want to

to live!!

feel the feeling you want to live and its that
esay itas

is that

its ath

that easy to just act as if in
every momet i love that
i get to act as if

in every moment