i trust the process of life i trust the process of life
and i feel the way i want to feel from the doing of the thing
and that is theo nly w
the only work ic an do that is the only work i can
do i focus on the feeling of
on the god self on the feeling i’m
here i’m here to focus and i know that i can do it
i can focus in this moment i’m
here i’m here with god in this
here and now and i know there’s nothing else
i celebrate because i know there’s nothing else
i release all of it and feel the feeling of freedom
the focuso n the feeling and i feel it knkow
now i know that however i feel is hwat i see in life and i get to chosoe it
now get to choose the focus now
get to feel the feeling
get to align with
with the feeling get to align with the feeling
of what i prefer
life causes me to ask
am i going to anser??
so grateful for this day
for friends and acquaintences
so grateful for our neightbor
neighborhood for the power of creation
for the power of focus for the power of choosing how i want to feel
that i get to ra
practice it
so grateful for leads!!
so grateful for teh power of focus
the power of creation the power of feeling i know that
it’s up to me to choose how i feel about life
i knkow
that i
don’t owe anyone a certain pace i love that
i get to bask in every oment of my life
i love that i know control is letting go i know that
contorl is
control is letting go and life helps me
so that
do that i know that i know that
i know that this work works and tha’t
that’s why i do it because it tunes my instrument
where is my attention where is my focus
where is my consciousness and that’s all that metts
matters i come here to remember to remember
to renoucne
my humanhood
i renounce my humanhood and celebrate this moment
i give life the feeling i celebrate the moment
and the moment celebrates me
its a win win
i feel the greate re
great release i feel the great communion i feel the knowing
the complete knowing that ho i
how i feel directs my life and i always
get to choose if its something i dont want
i can literally change it that instant by asking myself what i would prefer
and then feel how that would feel and then know that
what i didn’t want just helped me ask for what was just created by the desire
and that’s how the game of life works
very simple rules
very very simple rules
i love that i know this and i get to play
the game that i get to
that it’s the feeling i know all of life is a
a fee
feeling i get to create with my feelings
i get to create i get to drive i get to choose i get to choose
i get
to choose i get to choose i get to choose
the elecrticity of life
i get to choose i get to create it how i want i get to ask myself
is this what i want?
is this what i want??
i love that i get to choose and i know that life
all of life is created with feeling so i
needn’t think about anything esle
all of life is created with feeling
i know that i’m creating all of it
i know that i’m crating all of it
the laser focus the laser focus
but its a feeling and not the mind
its a feeling and not the mind and i know this feeling
and it feels so good to remember that
this feeling is my currency and nothing esle
that nothing in the entire
deny this feeling
can escape this feeling that all things reflect this
feel thing
that all things reflect every feeling but
the feeling of connection to god is the
inherent feeling and the only feeling
alll other feelings are a variation of it
or false
i know that my connection is myi cur
is my currency and i get to choose how i feel about the unfolding
of all things i get to celebrate i get to celebrate
yes it feels good it feels good to feel good!
to take the leap to believe in y work to
wnat to do my work to feel good about my work
to jump into my work knowign that
that the ebb is neccessary
trusting the ebb feeling the e
ebb feeling the
thank you for this thank you for this life
for this kowle
knowledge for this feeling
for this feeling for this feeling thank you for this feeling
i feel the energy flowing throgh
through me i feel i feel it i feel
the energy flowing through me i feel
the energy flowing through me
i feel the god self
i am the god self i feel the god self
i am the god sel fi am the
god slef
i am god i am god
i love that i know and i get to just feel it
just feel the truth of it
just hang out with the truth
just be the truth just live the truth
just feel it to do the work to feel the other
the other side of it and know that life
helps me ask
it feels good to be in the flow it feels good
to be in the flow it feels good to
bein the flow it feels good to be in the flow
to trust the flow of lie
to turst the
trust the flow ofl ife to
release to know control is letting go
and just feel the feeling