i want the fun version

i choose th e
fun version

i choose a
to say yes i choose to say
yes to life and thats

all i can do i choose to love
i know i can do it i knwo i can choose love

and im so grateful for the time and apce to choose love
to know i want to choose love so gratefult o chosoe
to co

choose love and not need anything in return
i’m saying yes

i like being in love i l
i like feeling good i li
i like feeling

good i
i like feeling good i like feeling good

i wan th

the fun version i want the sweet version

i want the in love vreesion i wnat the fun version i
want the sww

sweet version i want the sweet vre
version i want the sweet vres

version i wan t

i prefer the sweet version i prefer
to love i prefer to have warm feelings

i prefer to creat the loving happy e
version the loving happy

version i get to create the loving happy

only i get to choose only i get to choose

so grateful the rent is paid
so b

grateful for the help so grateufl to turn

to turn a corner to decide to feel good

to have no more energy left for misery
to be a yea sayer to look for ways to feel good
and be ahppy

to lookf or ways
for ways to feel good and be happy

i want to go throug my life happy
i want to go

through my life feeling m
the magic

the magic of life i want to
go through life feeling the magick o flife
of life

and i know everyone has their ups and downs
i know everyone has their ups and downs a
and im

im so grateufl i can find my cneter center

that i can find my positive outlook
and then find my unconditional love

i love that i get to i love that i get to trust what is
completely i

i get to trust what is completely i get to
trust what is completely

i know me i know me i know me
i know tht all

that is real is center
that is what i know

i know i know i know

i know what do i know what do i know

what do i know i am the one and only creator
and i create

with y t

my thougths

and emotions

i know this for sure and that is t
heo nly

thing i need to remembber ever
i get to choose and i never
havet o

to wonder i get to choose the loving vrsion
right now i get to forgive myself
i get to imagine myself the way i want to be

i have the power to do that i know tis all

all a dream i know its all a drea

and i get to live the dream the
way i want to live it i know this

for sure
and i know i never have t

to wonder and im so grateful i
get to go right back to w

not wondering i get to
go right back to being sweet to loveing
to being kind and not

needing anything in return i love that
i get to choose to be sweeee t

because im the soruce i love that i get to chosoe
i love that i get to choose for me
i love

that get to do this wrok that i get to choose imagination
that i get to choose teh version i prefer that
i get to choose teh version i prefer


i get to choose teh version i prefer i get to be happy
and feel good i get to choose the loving version

i’m focused on the truth
the one and only truth i know the

one and only truth
and its that the feeling is the

the driver and i canrelase

i release everything else and i kow that
what remains is the feeling of connection
with god i know that

all there is is connection with god
all ther eis

is connection with god all there is
is conneciton with god

the feeling of everything else slipping away

and just truting th

trusting the feeling

my consciousness
of the presence of god within me is my supply

my consciousness
of the presence of

god within me is my supply

my consciosness of the presence of god
wtihin me is my supply

my consciousness of the presence of god within me
i liove that i know this i love tha ti know

god love me si love that i remembererd god loves me

i love that i know i lovehtat
i get to choose total confidence
i lovee that i

get to chosoe it i love that
i get to choose i i love tha t
i get to feel the

the feeling and drop the rest
i know the feeling drives and that

is ght

the feeling of the magick and iw ant to live a

a magick life

i want to live magickally
i want to li

live free i want to live happy
i want to live

in the flow i want to say yes to the flow
i watn to

i want to say yes to love

i want to say yes to love

i want to

say yes to love i want to say yes to
non attachment

i want to say yes to everything that is
i want

to say yes to everything that is

i say yes to the flow to the feeling to life

say yes to life i say yes to life i

yes to life i say

yes to life i say

yes to life i say yes to life i say eys
to life

im focused

focused on the magick life
and i place my entire focus on that

that’s all i can is feel the
loving version all i can do is feel the
loving happy
