i want to feel good

i want to have fun i want to feel the flow i want to trust
god i want
to find me again i lost me but im right here

im here
right here i now mright im

right herea dn as al
as long as i looka t me nothing else matter

i kwot he powre of me and i caome
here to so thid tho
to dhtis work to filiu
tlip the
flip the switch to feel the flove to feel the truth
to feel the flove the love to feel the truth

jsut do the work and is eay
tits easy

its easy i now me i know the truh me i now the true me
and i now its god i now that go
god is lfowing perfectlyt hrough me i now that
god is lfowing

perfeclty through me i now this i nwo this i nwo tha
thtat god is flowing perfecltyt hrough me

i ow the feeling the feling of allowing god of
saying eys of

of saying ey sof letting god i
of the realse i know the feeling of the reale i nwko the
feeling of saying yes of eel
of feeling good of letting go

saying yes to everything that is
all i can do is s ay yes ye sto r

to everything that is i say eys i celebrate it
i celebrate life being good the feeling i knwot hat i drive
life witht he feeling i knwko that i get

drive life with the feeling ia
and i know that i get to that

they’re all actor in my pall


and i know its a chance for me to do the magick

the feeling is all there is

i get to feel good i get to
celebrate life celebate my beautiful life celebratein
my beautiful lfie and i love that i get to i love that
i get to i
i love that i get to feel good that i get to dele

feel the flo the
of life the flow of life the flow of lfie
the flow
of life the flow of life

flow of lfie th

its me iand i aget to fe
to feel good i get to go do
to bed feelnig good i

get to go to bed feeling
godo i get to
go to bed feeling good i get

i get to go dot bed
to bed feeling ogo dfeelin

grateful for gods love all over me
i get to feel gratefu for
for gods love alll ovver me
i get to feel grateful for gods love all over me

i know that i am
gods love i am the source of god love s
gods love and tht

tis easy to turn toward it to ru
turn towardthat i get to choose teh love version that
i get to f
choose the gratufl f

version the lthe loving fvv
version the awre
version i love that i get to let it
go i love that
i get to

to let it go i love that i gid d
i did the work i love that im
ive come so fare i love ha

how far ive come i love
how far ive come

i know its me its the feeling of me its the
feeling of me and i feel it i
ti the feeling of me an di feel ti and j
drop the rest becuase its

only eve the feeling here and now
the creation
here and now the

here and now

i get to say yes i can keep it up
i can keep allowing good feelings
i cn e

can keep allowing love to flow
i gt to
to eke

keep allowing lovve to flow i get to apprecitae me
and i know it did the best ever d

today i !!

i celebrate becaues i did the best ever today i know i know
i now i know the

i know my best self and i now tis easy to keep
it up to keep feeling the wa i

want to feel to m

be sure

to ee
keep feelig good i knwo the feeling iw ant to feel

i nwo the feeling i want to felel

i get to feel good i get to feel happy i
get to
celebrate life i get to celebrate life

get to celebrate life i get to celebrate life
flowing through me perfectly
feel the feeling now i get to feel the feeling now
i knwo that the
feelng is all

there is i nkow that the

the feeling is all there is the
feeling is all there this
i know that and i can always choose i

right now

i love that life is good i love that life is flowing i love that
life is good i love that life is flowi

is flowing i love that i get to keep it up i love
that i get to keep it up i love
that i get to keep it up i know that its

me its never not me itts me
its never

not me

i get to choose the feeling
now i ge t

to choose the feeling now i
get to choose the feelig nwo

the feeling now

the mind will never figurs it
out only the feleing knows
life only follows the feeling

expectation i choose and i now tis up to me
i now tisup to

its up to me i now tisup i
to me i get to choose bliss

i ge to ch
to be the source of lib
bliss kknwoing that
i c

get to deeply accept everything
and feel the relae the
athat comes along with it

it rust life and the ins and outs of life
it rust the ins and outs of life and im
so ga

grateufl i nkwo how i want to feel and i nkow tis up
to me ot choose that i

that feeling to choose bliss for no
reason to know that god is always flowing my g

way to get to feel good nwo