i want to have a good day

and i now how i know the feeling i nkow the feeling of here and now
i kno the feeling i know the practicce ehlps me feel it

i know that feeling for the feeling i can v
ffeel it and the more i feel for it the easier it is to access

i know the feeling is always right here with me
i know the feeling of god is alawys right here with me
when i release everything else

when i allow everything else to fall away i feel the
feeling of god the knwoing of god right here with me
always i know the knowing of god is always here with me
it always is me

i kow the feeling of me is god i know i am the feeling of god
i know that i only feel lack becuase im looking for it
but there really isn’t any lack

because god is lavish unfailing abundanc e

i will have a good day and not let
allow myt hoguths to stop me i kow tis a feeling
and i

feel it irelease the rest and if eel it i feel the
truth of god i feelt he turht of god

i lift up my mind
and heart to be aware
to understand

and to know that the divine presence

is the source and substance of all my good
and i know that by comeing her andm aking the choice
tof eel goo

good to releae the rest that i get to have a good dya
i get to feel the feeling iw ant to feel i get to choose it right now
i get to allow it right now i get to practicce it right now

i get to allow the feeling iw ant to feel i get to
releae the rest i canalways

always release the rest
idek why i feel like this
for no raons
reason for nnothing for no thing

i just want to feel good i just want to have a good day
i just want to hava god day

how to have a god day

know that everything is happening in my favor
know that today is the best day of my life

be brave enough to jump into celebrating life
be brave enough to have alust for life

be brave enough to not care what happens
be braven enough to not ccare what happens

be brave enough to believe in god
to believe in the good life to believe int he good life

i know
i feel good today i feel good today
i feel good today

and im allowing god to take me i allow god to take me
i allow the feelign to take me i feel the
feeling gocme

i feel the feelig there i feel the
celebration of life ther i get to choose it

no matter

i am a good day i am a good day i am
everything and i am a good day
i get to feel it i get to allow it i get to feel ti because its me

i can look for reasons to celebrate
i can look for

evidence of well being i can look for evidence
of miralces

miracles i know miracles are commonplace
i know god loves me and is on my sid e
and i nkwo tha ti can

can always come here and find my center and not
be looking outside of me for reasons to feel good

i knwo that i can find the center of life
withi me i know that hte th

the enter center of life is withi me and i alaws
always get to cchoose ig et to choose what happens next

i get to choose the magick of life
ig et to choos the
feeling the magick feeling of life i get to choose it here and now

i get t ce
to celebrate life today i get to

to celebra

i get to have fun i get to celebrate the day
nothing went wrong

i was looking for problems
i was upper limiting but not more

absolutely nothing happend
absolutely nothing happened
besides herr texting to check on us
bc she lovs us
and missed up

and i get to feel the good feeling the
knowing feeling the knowing its good feeling

the knowing its good feeling
i had it i kept it for solong
and then it just dropped off

maybe bc ididn’t take care of me

mabye because i started to look toward that

but i know the work i kow the power of try again
i know the power of try again

i kow the power of the feleing i knwo i am
the source of the feeling and i

dont have to care what happens i kno i wm
i know i wma

i know i wma th e
i know

i am the sourcce of the feeling i knwo i am the

sourcce of the feleing i know i am the source
i am

i know i am god i know i am god i knwo the feeling is here and hte more
i feel for it the mmore it is dominant

and i know that im not looking to anyone for
i know that i am the infinite wellspring of satisfaction
i know i am god
i know i get to chooe

i get to choose to have a good day toda
i ge tot feel as if i get
to know i get to choose knwoing i get to choose kwoing

i get to choose the feeling for me i g

get to choosee the feleing of me of god
i get

to chooe thefeleing of knwoing that its real
i knowt hat its resal so what am i doubting

why look for doubt
reasons to doubt
when i can look

i get to have a god day i am god i am god and i decide

i decdie what happens and i never have to wonder
i am

i am god i am god i am god i am the sourcce
i am the source of love

i am the sourcce og
of infinite abundance

i am the sourcce i amt he sourcce
it ccoems from me

i be come it and i ilove that i know how it
to be it how to allow it how to allow ti to flow

to know when ive started to look at something
and forget who i am
so grateful i gethta
that i get to keep it up that i get to chose to look at ccenter
to look at god and that’s all there is
i kwo that life

i know that life and god are always flowing to and through me

god matcches my energy i know that god
matches my entery and i get to choose the
energy of god

the energy of the good life
the energy of knwoing its a good day
its a god day