i want to have a good day

i am having a good day i am having a good day
i want to pass one good day just one good day
i want to have just one good day that doesn’t get clouded by arguements

i ant to have just one good day and idk how i
why am i always like htis in ma
bad mood i want to be na good mood iw ant to be in a good mood
i refuse to be in a bad mood i refuse
to suffer i resufes to leet the actions of tohers affect me
i refuse to allowt he actions of others to affect me

i know i can i know i can i kow i can i know i can do it i can have a good day i can
have a good day i can

have a good day

i refuse to suffer i refuse to let anything affect me
i will have a good day i will have a good day

i refuse to suffer i refuse to suffer and im
here t

im here im her refusing to suffer
refusing to lookf or what
i dont want to see refusing to see problems and choosing to
enjoy the day

choosing what i look for choosing what i look
for choosing

i am having a good day and its up to me
i made the choice to look towrad what i wante to see to
feel for what i want to feel

feel the feeling of the siw
wish fulfilled and that’s all tere is
and its everything its everything

i get to choose i make it i make every single
thing in it i make every single thing in
it i make every single thing in i draw into existence

i get to feel the feeling now i know the feeling
i want to feel and i get to feel it now i gt o
to have a good day i get to make the choice
to have agood day to do thw ork
to feel good to do the wor to

to feel good and remember that it doens’t come
from outside of me

to do the work to feel good
and remember that i
it doesn’t ccome from
outside of me its waly
inside of mits alway

inside of inside of me
inside of

inside of me it is me i get to choose it right
right now and it is

the reasonless bliss
of knwoing that i am no

i am not my body
i am not separate
i am not separate
and i

get to choose teh feeling of the wish
fulfilled and just keep makig it
i know i am the one and only creator
i know iam

the one and only creator and i love that
i get to c

to make the choice to feel good
im allowing myself to feel good im
doing the work to feel good i am

aware of how i feel and the stroy i tell
the map i draw

the map i draw i am aware of the map of my world that i create

i am totally

god is my security
isness is my security
being is my secrity

the choice is my secre


i am secure in knowing that the

when i am awawre of the god self within me
as my totla fulfillment

i am totally fulfilled
i am now aware of this truth
i have found the secret to life
and can relax in the nkowledg


that the activity of divine abundance
is eternally operating in my life

i simply have to be aware of the flow
the radiation of createive

creative energy which is continuoulsy
easily and effortlessly pouring forth from my divine consciousness

i am now aware i am now in the flow

when i am aware of the god self within me
as my total fulfillment
i am totally fulfilled

i am now aware of this truth
i have found the secret to life and
can relax in the knowledge that the activity of divine abundance
is eternally operating
in my life

i simplly have to be aware of the flow
the radiation of createive energy
which is consin

and effortlessly pouring forht from my divine consciousness

i am now aware i am now in the flow

and let the rest go
refuse to suffer refuse to suf

suffer and make the choicee to loko for what i want to see

im there im ther im in the
vortex ima

im in the vortex of ccreation
im in the vortex of

i love getting along i love getting along
i love havig a good day i love
loving i fee

i love feeling secure in my life
and who i am
i love bringing the

focus back to cente ri love that i nkow who i am
i love that the
vortes sai


is alawyre is lays right here the
feelign the knowint h
celebrating of life is alway

always right hee and i know im the source
the celebration of life is always right here and no i k

i know i am the source i love that i get to e th
the source and i dont have to e a

e af

be afraid of being the source

when i am aware of the god self
within mme as my total fulfillment
i am totally fulfilled

i am now aware of this
truth i have found the secret to life and
can relax in the knowledge that
the activity of divine abundanceis

is eternally operating in my life
i simply have to be aware o the flow
the radiation of creative energy which
is continuoylsy
nd effortlessly pouring forth from my diine

divine consciousness
i am now aware i am now in the flow

when i am aware of the god self within me
as my total fulfillment

i am totally fulfilled

when i am aware of the god self within me
as my total fullfillment

i am totally fulfilled